E4 commissions dating reality series Game of Clones (w/t)

Category: News Release

Channel 4 has commissioned entertainment studio Youngest Media's innovative dating reality series Game of Clones (wt) (20 x 30’) for E4.

Game of Clones takes singletons who have a perfect ‘type’ - an ideal look they’re attracted to in a partner. They will be given access to the latest avatar building technology to virtually create their perfect partner, choosing everything from hair and eye colour, to their ideal build and height. Once they’ve created a perfect partner in terms of looks, the show’s dating database will scour the country to find ten real suitors fitting this ideal image. These date-ready doppelgangers will then enter a house together with the selective singleton.

To be aired nightly on E4 from Monday to Friday, each week will see the dater living with the ten suitors while setting them challenges designed to reveal their true characters. One by one they’ll have to dump the suitors that don’t make the grade. Will scratching the surface reveal character flaws behind those perfect exteriors? And how intense will romantic competition be when everyone is a lookalike? Will each singleton find the ideal personality to match their ideal look?

David Flynn, co-founder of youngest Media, says “It sounds like any singleton’s dream, to create your perfect partner in avatar form and then get to live with ten of them. However with looks out of the equation our singleton will have to work hard to uncover the personality they’re most attracted to. It’s a whole new twist on the dating show genre which combines everything we’re about at youngest Media, cutting edge entertainment that we hope will surprise the audience.”

Dom Bird, Head of Formats at Channel 4, adds “Game of Clones is a great addition to E4’s growing slate of entertainment shows. Given the opportunity to date a houseful of perfect partners, this series promises to delight our singletons as well as our audience.”

This series was commissioned by Dom Bird for Channel 4. The commissioning editor is Jonathan Rothery. Game of Clones (w/t) will TX on E4 in 2017.