Educating Yorkshire

Category: News Release

Filmed at Thornhill Community Academy near Dewsbury, this brand new eight-part series captures every detail of life in the school from playground hijinks and inspirational lessons to life-changing events. It follows the work of Headteacher Jonny Mitchell, himself born and raised in the area, to better the chances for all his students and build on successive years of improving exam results. Helped by a stellar team of staff, Mr Mitchell is on a quest to drive up standards and improve the reputation of his school in the local area. He’s determined that every child leaves his school having achieved their full potential - be that a full-complement of A*s or managing that vital C grade in English and Maths – as well as ensuring that the students graduate as model citizens with excellent manners and morals.

From the Year 7s to Year 11s, from the newly qualified teacher to the headmaster, this series shows what it is like to grow up and work in one of Britain’s secondary schools. Located at the heart of a diverse northern community and with a student population that is almost exactly half white-British and half British-Asian, the school offers a fascinating insight into modern school life in the UK. Told with warmth and humour, Educating Yorkshire explores the universally-recognisable themes of teenage life and those all-important pupil-teacher relationships which lie at the heart of everyone's formative years. 

Production Credits:

Series Directors: Grace Reynolds & David Brindley

Executive Producer: David Clews & Andrew Mackenzie-Betty

Production Company: Two Four