Educating Yorkshire One Year On

Category: News Release

One year on we’ll revisit the charismatic teachers and students who made an impact on the nation in Educating Yorkshire. Where are they now? A lot can happen in a year, particularly when you’re a teenager.

We revisit Musharaf, who stole the hearts of the nation by overcoming his stammer. Now at college, is he on track to fulfil his ambition to become a teacher? Sheridan is learning to drive and is finally hoping to get that elusive grade C in Maths having re-sat the exam a year after leaving Thornhill.

Georgia, left Thornhill with 9 GCSE’s, started Beauty College and enjoys spending time with her new baby Mya. Chatterbox Robbie Joe and latte loving Ryan continue to make their mark at school. We catch up with Tom and Bailey about their future plans. Bailey is dreaming of enrolling on a singing course at Leeds College of Music and Tom an engineering course at Huddersfield College. We’re back for results day too, following our favourite staff and a selection of students as they collect their GCSEs on the morning of the 21st August, and then transmitting on television that night. 

The documentary will also catch up with head teacher Mr Mitchell and his influential staff, including Mr Burton and Mr Steer, as well as pastoral heads Mrs Crowther and Mrs Marsden as they prepare for the end of the school year and GCSEs results in August. With another year and new students to contend with will their inspirational methods continue to be a positive influence to those past and present?


Production Company: Twofour
Executive Producers: David Clews, Andrew Mackenzie-Betty and Gyles Neville
Producer/Director: Paula Wittig