Episode Synopsis

Category: News Release


Synopses for the first three episodes of the six part series.


It’s the first day of a new term and a terrible start for Erin (Saoirse Monica Jackson) as she wakes up to find her cousin Orla (Louisa Harland) reading her diary.  Not so great for everyone else either as Granda Joe (Ian McElhinney) announces there’s a bomb on the bridge. The Quinn family are distraught, it’s a huge inconvenience, Aunt Sarah (Kathy Kiera Clarke) may not even be able to get to her sun bed session. Erin and Orla head to school picking up their friends Clare (Nicola Coughlan) who’s doing a sponsored fast for Ethiopia and Michelle (Jamie-Lee O'Donnell), who has her cousin James (Dylan Llewellyn) in tow.  James is over from England and will be joining them at Our Lady Immaculate Girls School amid concerns he’d get beaten up at the boys’ school “because of the English thing…”


Everyone’s really excited when Sister Michael announces the school trip this year is to Paris. Erin’s keen to cultivate her writing (and a friendship with Charlene Kavanagh, the most popular girl in school), Clare and James want to improve their French, Orla thinks she’s going to meet Nicole and Papa from the Renault Clio adverts and Michelle wants to ride a French fella. But they don’t bank on the fact that the trip costs £375, each!  Back at the Quinn house Uncle Colm (Kevin MacAleer), Granda Joe’s extremely boring brother, is visiting and the whole family are losing the will to live. 


The girls have been up all night cramming for a big exam. Some (Michelle and Erin) haven't studied for it enough whilst Clare’s over-studied, leaving herself completely sleep deprived and slightly manic. Everyone is convinced they’re going to fail.  So when a distinctly dubious opportunity presents itself to get out of the exam they jump at the chance.  Especially as it involves them spending time with the very beautiful Father Peter (Peter Campion).