Exclusive look at the next episode of Celebs Go Dating

Category: News Release


In tonight’s episode of Celebs Go Dating, Charlotte and Brad are on a double date with Joey and Becky. It’s not going exactly as Charlotte had hoped as Brad finally reveals he’s only 20 years old! But as the ladies are in the loo discussing whether 20 is too young, Brad reveals he has another bombshell for Charlotte… he’s a dad!


Steph and Paisley are also on a double date; for Steph it’s her second date with Piet and it’s Paisley’s first date with David. Everyone is hoping that this might be the date that changes Paisley’s luck with men, but it seems David can’t even pass the first test… Never call your date by the wrong name! 


To try and figure out why our six celebs are still single, matchmakers Nadia and Eden have set them up a group therapy session. Joey hasn’t exactly been subtle about fancying Steph and as he stands up in front of the group to talk about her, there is no hiding how he feels…


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