The Extreme Cake Makers

Category: News Release


Rufus Hound takes an irreverent look at extreme cake makers.

Thanks to the baking revolution we've once again fallen in love with cake, and no party is now complete without a show stopping sponge. But to make wowing wedding cakes and bumper birthday bakes takes a special kind of cake maker.


Welcome to the world of extreme cake making, where sugar craft specialists up and down the country dream up ever more elaborate ways to satisfy our sweet tooth. From a solar system made of sponge, to edible steel statues and life sized fondant swans, this is the cutting edge of cake. But it's not all buttercream, one slip of the knife or a soggy sponge can mean a caketastrophe! 

So turn the oven to gas mark 6 and get your cake fork ready, we're inviting you into the kitchen to get a taste of what it's really like to create, bake and make extreme cakes.


The Extreme Cake Makers was commissioned for Channel 4 daytime by David Sayer.


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