Factual Entertainment, Features and Formats Christmas 2015 Highlights

Category: News Release

Britain’s Favourite Children’s Books (W/T)

Once upon a time Channel 4 commissioned King Bert to produce a special 1x90’ programme unveiling a Top 50 Countdown of Britain’s favourite children’s books.

A celebration of both the old and new, the programme will be presented by Britain’s best-selling children’s author, David Walliams, who will be counting down through a list, specially compiled by the Sunday Times’ children’s books editor,Nicolette Jones and The Times’ literary editor, Andrew Holgate. 

The programme’s opening titles will feature bespoke illustrations drawn by Sir Quentin Blake and as the shows story unfolds David will be profiling some of his own personal favourite books and interviewing some of his favourite children’s authors and illustrators. Heading towards unveiling the number one book, the programme will also feature extracts read aloud by acclaimed and much-loved actors including Julie Walters and Martin Freeman. But, not forgetting the most important critics of all, we’ll be hearing from children themselves on their analysis and comments on the books on the list.

Publicist- Kate Conway

Picture Publicist- Faye Oakwell

Production Company- King Bert


Kristie’s Christmas Crafts (W/T)

Christmas is coming and festive fairy Kirstie Allsopp is back, sprinkling triple helpings of glitter and gold over the most wonderful time of the year. With the help of Europe’s cleverest crafters and taking inspiration all the way from Moscow to Vienna the 3 x 60’ special from Raise the Roof Productions will see Kirstie show how to plan ahead, set the scene and pull everything together with that extra special warm glow that comes from indulging in the hand-made.

On home soil, the winners of last year’s Christmas crafting competitions will be back to defend their crowns as Kirstie once more decks the halls for the nations’ top knitters, cake and tree decorators. But with triple helpings of Kirstie’s Handmade Christmas comes three times more competitive crafting and we’ll also see many more British amateurs flocking to lock horns over festive wreaths, tableaux, gingerbread houses, advent calendars, table setting and wrapping challenges.

On her travels Kirstie will be introduced to fresh and fascinating crafts from the opulent red and gold squares of Russia to the green hills of Austria, alive with the sound of music and knitted mittens, as well as some truly inspirational modern crafts in a surprising old-world European city. Finally, she’ll bring all she’s learned back for a feast of yuletide favourites. This winter wonderland party of makes, bakes, competition-winners and cocktails under one snowy roof will inspire everyone and turn even the grumpiest Grinch into a Christmas crafter.

Publicist-Alex Dyche

Picture Publicist- Faye Oakwell

Production Company- Raise the Roof Productions


A Frozen Christmas

Since Disney dominated the minds of children across the globe with Frozen, never before has the demand for frozen water been so popular. The luxury business of decorative ice sculpture is booming and with a 50% increase in business expected over the festive season Channel 4 is set to melt the mystique around the unique and elaborate world in ‘Frozen Assets’ (W/T), a 1x60’ documentary from Avanti.

 From pioneering performance ice sculptors putting on flamboyant shows and breaking Guinness World Records, to the cool leading companies creating bespoke 6 figure creations as the ultimate status symbol- Frozen Assets will meet those working in a winter wonderland 365 days a year.

How do you transport a two metre cubed, 8 tonne glacial sculpture to a Christmas party in one piece? Why do Winter Wonderland’s creations get carved in June and stored across the country in freezers amongst frozen foods? Why are traditional Japanese samurai swords used as well as chainsaws and precision machinery costing up to £3000? And just who are the clients ordering up such opulent ornaments for private and corporate events across all climates?... Frozen Assets will lift the freezer lid on every question you didn’t know you wanted to ask about the high pressure but fragile? world of ice sculpture.

Publicist- Alex Dyche

Picture Publicist- Faye Oakwell

Production Company- Avanti


Jamie's Easy Christmas

Christmas Dinner is hands down one of the best meals of the year and the centrepiece of the festive season. The problem is, it’s packed full of potential pitfalls and even the most gifted domestic chefs can mess it up. As for the rest of us mere mortals – the stress of it can lead us to reach for the cooking sherry even before the spuds have been peeled.

This year, however, it’s going to be different, because Jamie Oliver is on hand to show how to avoid the commonest Christmas Day cock-ups, and how to improve what you’re already planning with the ingredients you’ll have to hand. Jamie’s easy, stress-free and extra-special Christmas will be wrapped up in a one-off 60’ special to be shown ahead of the big day.

Underpinning the show will be Jamie’s survey of the Great British public to find out their seasonal stresses are when it comes to cooking their perfect Christmas spread. The results of the survey aren’t yet known, but if the public wants fool-proof roast spuds or a tastier turkey, then that’s what Jamie will give them, along with a slew of amazing tips and tricks to help us raise our seasonal game and make everyone’s day go without a hitch.

Jamie says "This year's Christmas show is like nothing I've ever made before. Think of it as a nationwide team talk. I'm sharing all my tips, hacks and shortcuts to make sure you cook the ultimate Christmas meal. This is the one day of the year when more Brits than ever cook from scratch. We know some people are nervous, we know some people are cooking for the first time, and with guests to feed there's added pressure, so we're going to be there to help you make your big day a total success."

Publicist - Steve Rosier
Production Company - Fresh OneOne


Crazy Christmas Lights

Christmas, the time of year when peace on earth and goodwill to all men rings out across the land. Unless elaborate festive decorating has anything to do with it. In ‘The Light Before Christmas’, 1x60’ from Tuesday’s Child, Channel 4 will be travelling up and down the country to meet those who spend each year preparing to go into decadent seasonal battle with their neighbours in a bid to come out on top in the celebratory decorating stakes, as well as those who give some of Britain’s biggest department stores a run for their money.

For them a mid-December jaunt to the garden centre hoping for a tree with some pine needles left is not an option, instead Christmas is that special time of year when it’s ok to go all out in order to spread the seasonal joy.

Each Christmas they attempt to outdo themselves and each other with the biggest and brightest displays across Britain. From extravagant solo celebrations to unofficial attempts to keep up with the Jones’ and official competitions across the county, where prizes and all important trophies are at stake. The one off documentary will be meeting the ultimate illumination enthusiasts who adorn the properties to create magical Xmas madness.  Expect enormous electricity bills, thousands of bulbs, industrial sized props and tense neighbourhood negotiations…

Publicist- Alex Dyche

Picture Publicist- Charles Fearn

Production Company- Tuesday’s Child


Very British Problems Christmas Special (W/T)

Christmas. That magical time of year where we come together to celebrate all that is good and wonderful in the world. Yet, there are also some very uniquely British problems that we all face during the festive period.

Following on from the hit first series earlier this year, Very British Problems is back for a Christmas special, which will, once again, be narrated by Julie Walters, and feature a band of famous faces, who will reveal their crushing weirdnesses, unbearable awkwardness and other difficulties encountered when at the coal face of seasonal social interaction and cheer. So far David Tennant, James Corden, Vic and Rob, Romesh Ranganathan, Nigel Havers, Danny Dyer, Alex Brooker, Josh Widdicombe and Rich Hall have signed up for the Christmas special with a host of new names to be announced soon. Very British Problems is based on the hugely popular Twitter feed of the same name and this year’s first series marked the first time in the UK that a Twitter feed has been translated to television in this way.

Publicist- Alex Dyche

Picture Publicist- Faye Oakwell

Production Company- Alaska


Food Unwrapped Christmas (W/T)

Christmas is a time when we throw caution to the wind and splash out on the most indulgent foodie treats the supermarkets can offer, but are those festive luxuries really worth it? The Food Unwrapped team, Kate Quilton, Jimmy Doherty and Matt Tebbutt will be doing a festively inspired investigation into cheaper and surprising alternatives to our yuletide staples, starting off with everyone’s favourite starter, smoked salmon. The team will compare the priciest tranches along with budget salmon and ask what do they do to the cheaper stuff to make it less expensive? Moving on to the main course to the pricier and arguably more traditional alternative to a turkey, the goose; could what makes this bird pricier be down to the bird’s bad tempered personality?  Meanwhile, the team discovers that an almond shortage threatens the most indulgent after dinner tradition, the Marzipan covered Christmas cake. But fear not, the team explores an ingenious alternative which tastes good but is made from something we normally throw in the bin! Finally, for everyone’s favourite festive nightcap, a sneaky glass of Irish cream liqueur, gaining access to an iconic brand to explore the claim that the cream in their bottles won’t go off even if you leave the bottle un-drunk for two years. From starter to main course and all the indulgencies in between, the Food Unwrapped team are on hand this festive season to uncover the secrets behind our Christmas food traditions.

Production Company: Ricochet

Press Contact: Alex Dyche

Picture Publicist: Faye Oakwell


Rude Tube Christmas Special (W/T)

As much a part of the festive season as the Queen's speech, repeats of Only Fools and Horses and forgotten batteries, Rude Tube returns for the it's 5th Yuletide special featuring a brand new Top 50 of the funniest, shocking and most incredible Christmas clips online.  
With Rude Tube's very own Widow Twanky, Alex Zane, at the helm prepare for plenty of merriment and mirth, including a pregnant Turkey prank, an Xmas tree decoration remover, plus what not to get your girlfriend. Grab the selection box and enjoy a very viral Christmas.

Publicist- Alex Dyche

Picture Publicist- Faye Oakwell

Production Company- October Films


Rude Tube New Year Special (W/T)

What better way to mark the end of a year and hop into bed with a new one than with 100 of the funniest internet clips?

Rude Tube 2016 gives viewers a look back at 2015 through the eyes of the viral video. Featuring 50 of the best of the last series and 50 brand new clips, all the bases are covered. There's the year's funniest fails, the internet's newest icons, the doggiest dogs and of course the glue that keeps the Internet together - cats!

Publicist- Alex Dyche

Picture Publicist- Faye Oakwell/ Becky Allin

Production Company- October Films


What Britain Bought in 2015

What Britain Bough in 2015 is an entertaining, eye-opening look back at how we shopped in the year that was hosted by Queen of the High-street Mary Portas. The 1x60 special from Sundog will review the products we bought in the last twelve months and what the UK’s £6billion a week shopping habit says about us. The programme will be reminiscing on the ‘must-haves’, the ‘can’t-resists’ and of course, the ‘why-did-we-evers?!’ of 2015. The programme will also be hearing from some very recognisable British faces to learn about their retail story of 2015 as well speaking to high street experts on how they develop products and get them on our shelves at just the right moment to meet demand. And of course, we’ll be revealing the year’s best selling product.

Publicist- Steve Rosier

Picture Publicist- Faye Oakwell

Production Company- Sundog



TFI New Year’s Eve

Chris Evans welcomes in the New Year with an exciting mix of features, raucous stunts and top guests including Will Poulter, Sia, Olly Murs, New Order, The Vaccines and Izzy Bizu.

Publicist - Lesley Land

Picture Publicist - Jamie Fry

Production Company - Zimple TFI Limited, Olga TV, Monkey Kingdom




That’s So Last Century

The change of pace in modern life, entertainment and technological advances today are so rapid that even wonders from just a few short years ago can look and feel terribly dated. In That’s So Last Century we invite some of our favourite celebs to take a warm and funny walk down memory lane and reacquaint themselves with the gadgets, games and gizmos of their childhood, and gifts from xmas past, to see how well they have stood the test of time. 

We also ask some of those famous faces, including Vic Reeves, Dom Joly and Will Mellor to turn the tables on their kids and get to grips with old school contraptions as a family. How will modern children cope with taking a selfie on an old fashioned 35mm camera? What will they make of lo-fi video games played on a TV with no remote control? And how will they react to a mobile phone that looks and weighs the same as a brick?

Publicist - Alex Dyche

Picture Publicist - Charlie Fearn

Production Company - Objective


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18 Kids & Counting

In 18 Kids and Counting Britain’s biggest family, the Radfords, are about to get even bigger.  It’s been a special year for them as at the age of 40 Sue has announced that she is pregnant with baby number 18 and if that isn’t enough their eldest daughter 21 year old Sophie, who is already a mum of two is getting married. 

Following the tragedy of last year and losing their 17th baby, Alfie, whilst in the womb this pregnancy is understandably anxious. Dad Noel is keen for Sue to take it easy but with so many mouths to feed, 9 loads of washing to do per day and a ten bedroom house to clean it’s not an option. His fears are realised when Sue is rushed into hospital at 40 weeks with reduced movement of the baby. Sue is induced, and after an anxious night a healthy baby Hallie is born.

After Hallie’s safe arrival all attention turns to Sophie’s wedding. With nine boys and eight girls to dress, preparing for Sophie’s big day is a monumental task, which is not helped by Noel waking up on the morning of the wedding with a hangover. At the wedding, bride Sophie makes a huge announcement… She is pregnant with her third baby! Although she always claimed she has no intention of following in the footsteps of her mother she now has the same number of children Sue had at her age. Is history repeating itself?

Meanwhile  Scotland’s biggest family has grown too. The Hanns’ brood has swelled to 13 kids. 21 year old Polly Hann has just returned from two years away, but readjusting to sharing space with her 12 siblings proves difficult.  Her parents want her to stay but she is desperate to move out to a place of her own.

Publicist- Alex Dyche

Picture Publicist- Charlie Fearn

Production Company- Lion TV


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The Millionaire Party Planner 

For nearly thirty years, doyenne of party scene, Liz Taylor has been organising spectacular business and private events across the UK. From her headquarters in Manchester she plans up to 100 parties a year, including the Coronation Street Christmas parties, charity balls that raise hundreds of thousands and most recently Mark Wright’s wedding.

Where nearly every client is a millionaire, in The Millionaire Party Planner we’ll witness the tantrums, tears and occasional tiaras as Liz and her trusty team strive to create the best parties on the planet.  From the Marina Dalglish Charity Ball to a lavish Bar Mitzvah and an exclusive 40th birthday party in which a luxury home is transformed into a nightclub, the money pit is seemingly bottomless, stakes are high and the expectations enormous. 

Featuring across the hour are Liz’s ‘supporting cast’ of Super Suppliers; her long suffering chefs, florist and cake baker. These are the key figures in her business who ensure her parties look great and go with a bang not a whimper, as they work tirelessly to provide her with the very best food, dazzling decor and floral displays.  

The Millionaire Party Planner ... is packed with high drama, inconceivable spending, lavish locations, incredible food and flowers, multiple party reveals and jaw-dropping drama ... welcome to the world of parties like you’ve never seen before.

Publicist- Michele Marsland/ Katie Greenaway

Picture Publicist- Charlie Fearn

Production Company- Endemol


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Rich Kids of Instagram

Instagram has given the world’s wealthiest 1% the chance to show off their jet-set  lifestyles like never before, offering the remaining 99% a rare glimpse into the lives of the super rich. But with 70 million photos being uploaded to Instagram every day, it takes something special to get noticed.

From group snaps on super yachts and pouting selfies on private jets, to parading luxury goods or flashing stacks of cash – Instagram’s youngest and richest users have been causing both admiration and condemnation around the world.But who are the Rich Kids Of Instagram?

The programme goes beyond the two-dimensional postings and delves into the lives of the world’s most affluent youngsters examining what drives them to flaunt pictures of luxuries that most people can only dream of.

While for some rich kids the social network acts as a vessel to show off their playboy lifestyles, others use it to intentionally create haters, tapping into the envy of their wealth-inferior followers.

Publicist- Sam Elliott

Picture Publicist- Becky Allin

Production Company- Popcorn TV 


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Tattoo Fixers, Series 2

The Tattoo Fixers are back once again to revamp the nation’s most embarrassing, offensive, and sometimes downright awful body art. And this series there's a new addition to the pop up parlour, as Jay and Sketch are joined by Alice, a fun-living tattooist with a cheeky style and a winning smile.

Publicist- Lou Plank, PLank PR

Picture Publicist - Charlie Fearn

Production Company - Studio Lambert