Gogglesprogs - biogs (Gogglesprographies?)

Category: News Release

The Gogglesprogs are back with a new six part series from 9th June! They'll be watching a range of TV from the past months, from entertainment shows to documentaries to some all-time classic films, as well as up-to-the-minute news stories. There's six-year-old Molly and her eight-year-old brother William, who both love helping out on the family farm; friends Stephanie and Christina - Stephanie loves Justin Bieber while Christina prefers classical music; and schoolmates Jacob and Connor, who are in the Mini Enterprise Club together, plus some new faces on the sofa.



Jacob (12) and Connor (11)

Jacob and Connor have been friends for four years. They live in West Yorkshire and met when they attended the same primary school together. Connor would like to be a lawyer or a doctor when he grows up, while Jacob would like to be a teacher. The boys are both football mad and also enjoy a spot of tennis. Louisa Johnson is Jacob’s favourite singer. However, Connor has a preference for Jazz pianist Dave Brubeck. Jacob’s heroine is Lt Col Karen Peek MBE whilst Connor Idolises Michael Jackson & Frank Sinatra.


Stephanie (11) and Christina (10)

Stephanie and Christina live in Essex and have been best friends since meeting at ballet school at the age of four. Between them the girls do a variety of after-school activities including violin, ballet, cooking, karate, piano, swimming, choir and stitch club. They also both attend Chinese school. Stephanie loves Taylor Swift and all sorts of pop and rap music while Christina prefers classical music and music from years gone by such as The Beetles. Stephanie and Christina are both avid readers and share the dream of becoming an author when they’re older. However, Stephanie also likes the idea of being a scientist and Christina becoming an architect or maybe even the Prime Minister.


Will (13), Max (13), Spencer (13), Harry (13), Daniel (13)

These Kent lads call themselves the Goonies because it’s their favourite film, and it fits their varying personalities. They’ve been mates since they were just 4 years old when they all started reception and their mums have all become friends as a result. They love watching and playing football; Harry, Dan and Spencer are all loyal Arsenal fans whilst Will supports Liverpool FC and Max Millwall FC. Some of the boys have girlfriends and some describe themselves as ‘single pringles ready to mingle’. They are all avid cyclists and can be found spending most of their spare time out and about on their bikes. The boys enjoy a variety of programmes, but a favourite for all of them is The Simpsons.


Shuaib (9) and Janai (9)

Shuaib and Janai, from East London, have been friends for four years. They met when Shuaib’s mum first became a carer for Janai’s grandad. Together they enjoy watching cartoons and playing on their ipad. Shuaib loves super-heroes, his favourite super hero being The Flash because he’s so fast. He’s also a keen rap music fan and even likes to make music on his phone that he can rap along to. Janai loves Disney princesses, her favourite is Ariel and she often wears a mermaid tail so she can be just like her. She has recently joined a healthy eating club, loves gymnastics, riding her bike and is part of the My Little Pony club.


Toby (12) Sam (12) and James (7)

James and Sam are brothers, and Toby is Sam’s friend who he met three years ago when they attended the same primary school. The boys all like playing with Lego, reading comics and playing video games together. James and Sam absolutely love Eminem and spend countless hours learning his raps. Toby was born in Windsor castle and lived there for many years as his father was a furniture restorer for the queen. Toby is a keen swimmer, and represents his school in county and national events. James believes in reincarnation and thinks he was a dragon before he became James.


Emma (12) and Brooke (8)

12 year old Emma and 8 year old Brooke are sisters and best friends who live in Scotland, although filming takes place in their holiday caravan in Blackpool. Emma has Down’s Syndrome. They share a love of the X Factor and enjoy singing and dancing together. Emma’s favourite artists are Sia and Jess Glynn. Brooke is now learning how to play the guitar and ukulele and loves following youtubers on the internet. Emma wants to be a teacher when she’s older whilst Brooke dreams of becoming a monkey carer – her hero is Alison Cronin, the founder of Monkey World.


Valencia (14) and Taya (11)

Valencia and Taya, from Hertfordshire, have known each other since birth as their mums are best friends. As a result, the girls are so close that they call each other cousins. Both girls were recently bridesmaids for Valencia’s mum which they loved. The girls love shopping and can spend many an hour trying on different clothes. Despite having a passion for baking, Valencia has an aversion to eating cakes of any kind. EastEnders is one of Valencia’s favourite programmes and she hates to miss a single minute of it. Both girls love music and can often be found making music videos on their phones.


Molly (7) and William (9)

Welsh brother and sister William and Molly are from farming stock. William is happiest when at the agricultural show helping with his grandfather’s prize winning Longhorn cattle, and wants to follow in his footsteps and become a farmer himself one day. He also enjoys playing rugby and a bit of baking, and is a big fan of ‘The Great British Bake Off’. Molly also loves animals and enjoys helping out on the farm and feeding the baby cows and sheep. If she could have any super power she would like to have the same powers as Elsa from Frozen. Molly one day wants to be a doctor or The Queen. Both kids first language is Welsh and they have a little sister, Beth, who they enjoy reading to. They also have a pet chicken called Daphne who lives in the back garden.


Geet (7) and Hanson (5)

Hanson and his big sister Geet were born in Canada to a Malaysian mother and Indian father. Prior to moving to Leicester they lived in Scotland for several years. They are well travelled kids and have visited many countries around the world from France to India and Thailand. Hanson is cheeky and motorbike obsessed while Geet loves dancing and singing. Geet would like to become a teacher one day whilst Hanson would love to become a Formula One racing driver. Both kids lead very active lives and between them participate in yoga classes, Bollywood dancing classes, tennis, swimming, French and Punjabi classes. Hanson’s favourite singer is Yo Yo Honey Singh and Geet prefers One Direction. They share a hero in Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan.


Dotty (11) and Macy (12)

Dotty and Macy are science mad friends from London. They have been friends for nine years after their mums met each other in the park when the girls were toddlers. Dotty would like a career that involves both animals and art while Macy, who’s half American but has lived in England her whole life, likes Youth Opera and dreams of a career in music or science. Dotty is in her school’s basketball team and enjoys roller-blading and hanging out with her dad and his motorcycles. She is obsessed with tapirs. Both girls have recently started circus school with hoop being Macy’s favourite skill to learn. Macy once represented her school in an engineering competition and won.


Ashton (11) , Cari (11) and Darcie (10)

Ashton, his sister Darcie and their cousin Cari are all from Neath in South Wales. Ashton wants to be a scientist or an astronaut when he grows up. He loves factual TV and any documentary that is informative such as a David Attenborough nature programme, while dancing mad Darcie and cousin Cari love soaps. Darcie is in the school’s gardening club and enjoys playing percussion in the school orchestra. Cari plays lots of sports including netball, football and gymnastics. The trio have been to Disneyland Paris and would love to visit Disneyland Florida while Ashton would like to go to Germany for all the history.


Orin (7) & Eli (7)

Orin and Eli met at school 3 years ago and have been friends ever since. They often spend their lunch breaks telling jokes to each other. A shared love of the film Transformers has inspired them to both become scientists when they grow up - though if that fails Eli would like to become a computer scientist or an inventor. Both boys take pride in their fashionable appearance and love music, with Orin playing the Violin and Eli the piano and ukulele. Orin attends his dads dance school in Manchester. Eli likes washing up and baking cakes with his mum – but only if he gets to lick the spoon.



Roma (9) & Joel (11)

These Birmingham based friends first met at an out of school club 2 years ago and have been great friends ever since. Both Joel and Roma are very sociable and enjoy nothing more than debating with each other. Bookworm Joel loves reading and is currently writing a fantasy book about two boys that go into an Anglo-Saxon time warp. Roma loves music and is learning to play the violin. She would like to be a marine biologist because sea animals fascinate her. Joel and Roma both prefer music from bygone years including The Bee Gees, The Beatles, David Bowie and Pink Floyd. They have a mutual dislike of popular music like Justin Bieber. Roma has hearing loss but she’s never let it hold her back. Joel is mad on politics and the two of them can often be found discussing our political climate.


Jack (11) Sadie (9) and Declan (8)

This little trio are siblings from Wallasey and get on well… most of the time! They love playing games together, but the PlayStation is a major source of contention. Tomboy Sadie says that she is forever waiting her turn. Jack and Declan are both avid football fans and play regularly. However, with one Evertonian and one Liverpool fan, football is a hot topic. If Sadie was Queen for the day she would have a pool of Jelly to swim in. Declan thinks this is a great idea and would love to eat his way out of it. Strong willed Sadie has got her sights set on becoming a writer, unlike the boys who want to become famous footballers.


Amelinda (10) & Yoanna (9)

These bubbly friends from Manchester have a shared passion for music, especially singing. Yoanna has a keen eye for current affairs and politics and even has a news App on her phone to keep up to date with everything going on in the world. Amelinda has an artistic streak and enjoys writing stories and drawing with lots of colour. Both girls would love to travel to America; Yoanna to find Jennifer Hudson and Mohammed Ali on the Hollywood Walk of Fame and Amelinda to eat the largest bubble gum. Amelinda is part of a gymnastic club and trains every Saturday. She dreams of being a teacher when she’s older. Yoanna plays the piano and would like to pursue her love of music to become a successful R&B singer or maybe an historian.