
Category: News Release

AGE: 21
FROM: Ealing, London

LIVING: Fresh to New York

OCCUPATION: Model, Club Promoter



Henry is the new boy in town; he lived in NY for 4 months in 2013 but decided to take the plunge and has recently arrived with a view to making it permanent. He has a real ‘All-American’ guy next door look which is proving promising for a career in NY.

When he first arrived he had to live in a model’s apartment and share a room with bunk beds (cosy) but he’s since managed to move out and has struck up a close relationship with the other model boys- Ben, Jamie and Danny.


Henry has had success modeling in the UK but like the other guys he sees New York as the place to really make it in the modeling world. When he isn’t modeling he earns money as a club promoter and loves the perks that it provides.


Henry has had a couple of serious relationships in the UK but has arrived in NY as a free agent.


What made you decide to move to New York?

Modelling prospects really, as well as being able to experience the only rivalling city to London, in my eyes anyway.

Is New York life different to how you thought it would be and what people see in shows like Girls and Friends?

 It is pretty similar to be fair. The city can be ruthless and unforgiving if you don't stay focused and on top of everything.

If you were back in the UK how do you think your life would be different? Would you be following a different career path or would your love life be different in any way?

 I would be following a very similar career path as I would here in NY.

What do you miss most from home and what are the best and worst things about living in New York?

 From home I miss my dog the most, no questions asked..... Sorry mum. The best things here are convenience, service and just the aura of the city itself. Being away from family and friends is obviously a tough thing but I'm doing okay. 

Tell us your top 3 highlights since landing in New York?

 1-meeting the boys – Jamie, Ben and Danny

2 -having the opportunity of filming a show of this calibre

3 - being able to pursue a career that I never really thought was possible

We hear that because you’ve just arrived and New York is so pricey you’ve had to be room sharing and sleeping in a bunk bed. Has that created any difficult house share situations, especially when it comes to the ladies?!

I managed to get my own room after a couple of jobs so it hasn't really affected me much after the first month of living here!