The Hotel

Category: News Release

1/8: Magic Ball, Sunday 30 December, 8pm Channel 4

It's the start of the summer season back at the Grosvenor Hotel in Torquay and after a long, lean winter, finances are at rock bottom and Manager Mark has the toughest challenge of his life ahead - to stop the doors closing on the business forever. 

His bums on beds formula hasn't worked and only a radical approach can save the failing hotel now.

In true eccentric style, Mark has come up with a master plan - his self-appointed 3 star, bucket and spade hotel is going upmarket, catering to the "Guardian readers - the people with money". Cue more madness and mayhem as Mark and his trusted team try to lure in posh guests and keep them happy over another busy summer season.

The first stage of attracting posher guests and their disposable dosh is through special events. Feisty reservations manager Alison is not convinced with his new snobbish aspirations but is soon swept along in this maverick mission.

Newly promoted events manager in the shape of flamboyant ex-deputy manager, Christian, has been brought back to run these functions - his first task is to showcase the hotel with a glitzy magic ball and gala dinner.

With money to make and people to impress, the stakes are higher than ever. But with ticket sales chaos, last minute menu panic and a dessert disaster on the night, will Christian pull a rabbit out the hat or wish he could do a disappearing act?

Mark's posh guest prayers may have been answered in the shape of a family from leafy Surrey who are desperate to go to the ball. Meanwhile, after a financially tough year, returning guest Rachel Weston could have some life-changing news for jet-ski loving partner Gary.


Series Producer: Rachel Morgan

Series Director: Danni Davis

Executive Producers: Sarah Swingler, Simon Dickson, Sanjay Singhal

Production Company: Dragonfly

Commissioning Editor: Nick Mirsky