Interview with Louise Ford who plays The Windsors' Kate

Category: News Release

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What can you tell us about the new series of The Windsors?

Well, everyone is back and it feels like a bigger, bolder show than the first series in many ways. Maybe because the writers are really going to town now they have a second series, which is really fun to be a part of and the storylines are just as crazy and just as madcap as before. It feels a bit like in series 2 all our characters are exploring what it means to be a royal. There’s more of Charles and his plan to be the next in line and making sure that Wills understands that that’s very much the case. Wills and Kate are back but their marriage is under more pressure so there’s a lot going on in series 2.

What can we expect from Kate in series 2?

She gets some new royal roles given to her, one of which is she becomes patron of Wimbledon which she’s really excited about, and she doesn’t believe like Pippa does that she’s only been made patron of Wimbledon because she is a Princess. She actually believes it’s because she really likes tennis which I think is a fair justification. If you really like tennis it sort of qualifies you for that role so I think she’s got a point. There’s also an exciting episode where Kate tries out being a DJ at Harry’s new club. I become a grime DJ which was really fun to shoot.

How would you describe The Windsors to someone who hasn’t seen it before?

I would say it’s a big, characterful, satirical, spoof of the royal family and is reinventing the royal family as if they are characters in something like Dynasty. It means that we can do big acting, have big hair and big stories, it’s a heightened version of a sitcom or soap opera I suppose.

A lot of your scenes are with Hugh Skinner. How was it working with him and the rest of the cast?

Awful! I can’t really put into words what it’s like working with Hugh Skinner. It’s horrible! He’s very demanding, he’s high maintenance! 

Did you find it difficult to keep a straight face while filming? Was there lots of corpsing?

There’s a lot of funny stuff to perform. The problem is Hugh’s words changing, as soon as he changes the word purple to paaarrrple that’s it. I think we all need to grow up! It’s such a fun show to work on, everyone is really fun, good to work with and be around. People like Morgana, Harry, Ellie and everyone really, there’s lots of energy from people which makes your working day feel really short.

Did you do anything in the way of research into the real Kate?

Since the first series Hugh and I have been keeping an eye on the news stories. It always makes me laugh to see. It’s strange playing a version of someone who is a real person because you have one eye on what they are doing all the time. She will be on telly and friends of mine will say ‘look it’s you’. Also, things that come up in real life, like she went to a pub last year with Wills for a drink and that was one of the storylines in series 1. So I look at what they are up to and things they are saying and doing. The great thing about the real life royal family is there’s a lot of comedy there to spoof.

Have you ever been mistaken for Kate?

No, never. My hair isn’t long enough. I have quite short hair and I’m very disappointed by that so I don’t think I would ever be mistaken for her. I mean if you were a hundred miles away maybe as I have brown hair and brown eyes.

Do you have any favourite scenes or storylines from The Windsors?

The Christmas special was brilliant fun and I really enjoyed all my scenes with Vicki Pepperdine. I enjoyed all the scenes from the new series in the nightclub and I enjoy all the group scenes when we are all together when there’s an event in the storyline that’s always good fun. And anything with Hugh is always a good crack. 

Why do you think the royals are so popular at the moment?

I think the age that Harry, William and Kate are means they are in a generation and society that we live in that is very social media savvy and everyone is very aware of what everyone is up to. I feel they are in a good place, they are “the cool kids” of the royal family. If there was no young blood then I don’t think it would be possible. It’s great to see them working on things recently like Heads Together the mental health charity. The causes they support and things they seem to believe in are very genuine things. The way they talk about their family and how they feel I don’t think that’s ever been done before publicly with the royal family.

Do you know if the royal family watch the show? What do you think the Royals would make of it if they did?

No I haven’t, I don’t think we are well connected enough.