Interview with Molly, Molly's Creative Cakes

Category: News Release

How did you get into cake making?

Seven years ago I baked a cake for a birthday – and it went from there.

What inspires you? 

All kinds of things – whatever subject I am creating a cake around. I research a lot online, and in books – especially for animal based cakes. I also like to observe the animals in real life when I can. I’m quite impulsive and I suddenly get an idea and feel like I need to make it straight away! I was talking about a giraffe the other day and realised I could make that if I could get a good sculpt. I’d need to make really long legs!


Tell us about some recent commissions?

I made life size cow for the Bakewell festival! I only just about got it out the door.


What’s the next big project for you?

More food festivals in summer and I am also teaching classes for 2 weeks in Australia.


What’s your fantasy commission?

I’d love to bake a cake for Beyoncé. It would have to be something glamorous! Perhaps a life size model of her?!


Cakes continue to be at the centre of celebrations. Why do you think they are so magical?

Whether it’s a wedding, birthday or whatever, a cake brings everyone together. Everyone can enjoy looking at it, then it’s really nice to be able to share it.


Extreme Cake Makers S2 will air on Channel 4 in early 2018