Interview with Nastassja, The Indulgent Sugar Plum

Category: News Release


Can you tell me a little about how you spend your time before you created cakes?

I was into fashion and creative arts. My creative senses for cakes came from me studying fashion and working for Diesel for four and half years.


How did you get into cake making?

I leant the skill and techniques from other cake artists but in terms of design and coming up with colour palettes, it’s something that comes very natural to me. The processes that I would use in fashion have merely transferred into the way I decorate cakes.


What inspires you?

I draw inspiration from things I really love and love doing. It would be going to the Tate Modern, it would be going to my favourite museum, the V&A. I draw my inspiration from what’s out there now, whether it be colour trends or something floral. When I go through my cakes that I’ve made, I see the transformation in feeling my own style and carving a niche.


Tell us about some recent commissions?

The geo style cake. That one for me, was amazing that the cake stood with a hole in the middle. Doing the geo style with that effect and putting the crystals inside the hole, giving a new spectrum where the client can look inside of the cake.


What’s the next big project for you?

I have a few birthdays and weddings coming up in December and into January. I think I’m experimenting and continuing to do what I do best, which is exploring the skill set.


What’s your fantasy commission?

The Met Gala. One of my dreams was always to create a cake in a space you don’t really see cake in.


Cakes continue to be at the centre of celebrations. Why do you think they are so magical?

We play on your senses and that’s what we do with cake. We like to make you desire cake in a new way. Make it a spectacle, where people come to your event and it stands in the middle of the room and the first thing they think is: “What is it?” We want to bring cake to a new light.


Extreme Cake Makers S2 will air on Channel 4 in early 2018