Interview with Rosie Fortescue

Category: Interview

1.Tell us, how thrilled are you to be returning to screens in Beyond Chelsea?
I’m so excited to be doing a show again, I didn’t think I would be doing anything like this after Made in Chelsea. I think that’s down to the prospect of it being shot so differently and being able to do something with Binky who is one of my best friends, it was a great offer to share more of my life. The show is allowing for fans to see a closer view of our lives.

2.Life has moved on quite significantly since we last saw you, tell us what life looks like for you currently.
I left the show around nine years ago, which is mad! Life is different. When I was leaving the show, I had just set up my jewellery brand and I still have the brand which is what I work on every day. I’ve grown up so much and I’m starting a new business with my twin sister, which the show will be following.

3. You’re reuniting with two other MIC OGs for this show, tell us about the concept of Beyond Chelsea.
It’s a look at where we are now after Made in Chelsea. I have such a strong relationship with Binky and it’s a lovely insight into how far we have come as friends. I met her on Made in Chelsea, and we’ve remained so close after so many years. She has three beautiful children that I love and that I’m close to as well.

4. Why now? What made you want to return to screens in this show?
It felt like the right time. It’s a small group of us and I think we shared so much of our lives before and grew up on camera so doing these two episodes and sharing some monumental life experiences felt right.

 5. What will we see you navigating in this show? What will you be getting up to?
So they’ll see me working on the jewellery brand and starting a new business with my twin sister – who at the same time is moving abroad, which is devastating for me. She has two children who are 4 and 2. I call myself a 12/10 aunt, they are literally like my babies. So, it’s me dealing with them moving and losing them out of my life which is really hard. It’s complex.


6. Why should fans get excited for this show? What stands out about it?
I think what is unique is that they get a real in-depth insight into our lives. Cameras are just following us. There inside my flat, my office and they are seeing the good, the bad and the hectic. It’s a fly on the wall insight into our lives – instead of talking about what happened in the club last night!

7. It’s really important that when you’re juggling family life, business and staying in the public eye that you have the grounding of your friends. Have the three of you been each others rock?
Binky in particular, we’ve remained such good friends. We see each other regularly. Sunday Lunches, I’ll go over to hers and I’ll make a pudding and we’ll have a laugh.

8. So what is your signature pudding? What do they all love when you go for Sunday Lunch?
Last time I took a chocolate mousse, which went down really well. Binky was making pork belly, and she managed to burn it. Classic Binky style, she thought her husband had told her to put it on a certain temperature, so when I turned up it was black and disintegrated. So thankfully, there was Deliveroo and my chocolate mousse, which went down a storm. It saved the day.

9. Made in Chelsea continues to be a triumph in the Reality Tv world. Tell us about your time on Made in Chelsea…
I think my time on the show, I had my ups and downs. There’s a part of this show, which is nice to have my say a bit more. This new show has been an opportunity to set the record straight.

10. What would you say is the one most important thing that you’ve learnt from appearing on Made in Chelsea and taken into your life since finishing filming?
I have grown up, matured and learnt about boundaries. I don’t sweat the small stuff and I don’t take sh*t from anyone.

10. What’s the one best piece of advice you’ve been given?
To love what you do and you’ll never feel like you’ve worked a day in your life. I love working hard and I hope that comes across on the show. Work has been so focussed and important to me over the years.

11.  What is your favourite thing about being back in front of the camera?
I am still going to be so awkward watching it back. For me, it’s having a laugh with friends, you’ll see that come across throughout these two episodes.

12. Finally, if you’re fancying a night out on Kings Road, tell us your favourite hot-spot…
I don’t really go out-out in this area much, but there is a new restaurant that has opened called Bottarga which has just opened and it’s incredible