The Island with Bear Grylls

Category: News Release

Gender roles have changed drastically in recent years and many men have a very different set of skills than those of just a couple of generations ago. Bravado aside could a group of modern British men – more used to ipads and microwave meals - have the skills and fortitude to survive stranded on a desert island?

Bear Grylls has set the ultimate survival experiment to discover whether modern man is tough and resourceful enough to survive. He is abandoning 13 British men on a remote, uninhabited pacific island for a month.

They will be completely alone, filming themselves, with only the clothes they stand up in and some basic tools. The island may look like paradise but behind the beaches it can be hell on earth.

Can they survive when stripped of all the luxuries and conveniences of 21st century living? Will they be able to access the skills of their forefathers and find the hunter-gatherer within? And what will they learn about themselves when life as they know is stripped back to its basics?

To capture their honest experience of surviving the series doesn’t have a traditional crew. Instead three trained cameramen and a soundman were surviving on the island and lived through the experience alongside the other men. This is the story of 13 British blokes, told by them. A groundbreaking, raw and exhilarating exploration of survival and what it really means to be a man in 2014.