The Island Series 3 - Meet the men

Category: News Release

This year's series will break new ground by dropping eight Islanders of each gender on the same land mass – but on different sides, blissfully unaware of the other’s existence unless they manage to find the other group of their own accord.



Ben Allen, 32, Cameraman from London
A fan of the first series, Ben says he wanted to be involved in this year’s show because he loved camping and exploring when he was a child and wants a new adventure. He is one of the cameraman on The Island and believes using an embedded crew makes the experiment more authentic. Previous camera work has taken him from the Jungles of South America to remote parts of Northern Canada, but this is his first foray into a true survival-based experience. He describes himself as friendly, easy-going and happy and he feels he will be a good mediator and confidante in camp.


Chris Tierney, 54, Property Developer/Entrepreneur from Manchester
The eldest male Islander this year, Chris is a born and bred Mancunian. He says he went on to The Island because he feels he currently has a comfortable life and wants a challenge. He also wants to meet new people - something he really enjoys because he says he could “strike up a conversation in an empty room.” He describes himself as happy, loyal and honest and he thinks he will be great at keeping morale high on the island.


Daniel Quemby, 41, Consultant Medical Doctor from Hampshire
Daniel’s background is a mix of English, Moroccan and Irish. He speaks French, German and Spanish and hopes to make his children bi-lingual. He grew up in Devon, and worked in a monkey sanctuary from the age of eight which started his love for science and nature. One of the reasons he applied for the show was because he feels society has become too reliant on modern trappings such as the internet and he wants to see if he can live without these comforts. He describes himself as eccentric, hard-working and kind.


Elliot Day, 26, Private Chef from London
Before turning his passion for food into a career and starting his own pop up restaurant business, Elliot worked in finance but quit after feeling unfulfilled by the routine of city life. He is a huge fan of the outdoors and says taking part in the show is like a dream for him. He wants to get back to basics and really test himself. He hopes the hunting skills he learnt growing up on a farm in Devon as well as his cooking will be an asset to camp.


Patrick Dauncey, 19, Student from Kent
At just 19, Patrick is the youngest islander this year. He took a gap year to take part after watching both the first and second series and thinking he could do better. He also wanted to prove his generation still have the ability to survive in the most unforgiving of environments, despite all their modern day privileges. He is an adrenalin junkie who loves mountain biking, racing and skiing and also attends British Military Fitness classes. He feels his age will mean he will have to work hard to prove himself to older members of the group.


Rizwan Shabir, 26, Mobile Phone Shop owner from Bradford
Riz is a huge fan of survival shows, which is one of the main reasons he applied for The Island. He feels the weight of responsibility of being a business owner, husband and dad and now wants to do something for himself. As a practicing Muslim, he only eats Halal meat and prays five times a day. He hopes he can be a positive role model for the Muslim community through the show. He is a black belt in karate and used to cage fight when he was a teenager. He hopes he will bring laughter to the island.


Rob Bloomfield, 36, Cameraman from London
Rob is one of the camera operators on this year’s show. He originally trained as an architect, but didn’t find it creative enough and later found his vocation in being a cameraman. His work to date has taken him to some extraordinary locations across the globe, but this is the first time he will have to hunt down his food and construct his bed for the night! He feels The Island is a great opportunity to leave a memento of what he does for a living for his two sons, and he felt the previous series were innovative and ground breaking TV. Rob also says he is good with people and putting them at ease which he hopes will benefit camp.


Simon Middleton, 35, Insurance Salesman from Leeds
Simon applied for the show after watching the first series and enjoying how being faced with adversity brought out peoples’ true characters. He says one of the most interesting things about him is that he was the 4th best boys gymnast in East Leeds when he was 10. He is desperate for an adventure and to do something for himself after working solidly for years and raising his family. He says growing up in a tough area, being one of six siblings and not sleeping properly since his kids were born is great preparation for going on the island. He thinks that fact he has to deal with people from all different ages and backgrounds in his job will be a real asset on The Island.