The Island Series 3 - Meet the women

Category: News Release


This year's series will break new ground by dropping eight Islanders of each gender on the same land mass – but on different sides, blissfully unaware of the other’s existence unless they manage to find the other group of their own accord.



Alice Rothwell, 26, Hospital Doctor from Lincoln
Alice describes herself as an outdoorsy person – she has fond memories of climbing trees with her brothers when she was growing up and she has also trekked through the Amazon and climbed Mount Kilimanjaro. Though she feels confident in her job, she is dissatisfied with her personal life and feels that she is falling behind her friends. She wants to test her inner strength by going on The Island. Another doctor on the show, she says the long shifts she works has taught her endurance and the ability to function when tired. She says her greatest strengths are her enthusiasm, commitment and hard-working spirit.


Cassie Farrell, 59, Camerawoman from Bristol
Despite being the oldest Islander this year at 59, Cassie still feels she is yet to fully test herself and The Island is the perfect way to do that. She has been a camerawoman for over 20 years now, and applied after watching the previous two series and enjoying seeing responses to survival situations. She loves the outdoors and the feeling of being immersed in nature and wants to shed the modern things we think we need and embrace the basics of life. She says the three words that describe her best are ‘pretty out there.’ She sees herself as a potential leader of the group because her life and work experience.


Erika Roe, 57, Retired Farmer from Bristol
Erika was born in Suffolk but grew up in Tanzania where her father owned a successful tea estate. Her upbringing was very basic, and one of the reasons she applied for The Island was to reconnect with the simplicity of her childhood. She has also lived in Portugal where she ran a successful farm growing and exporting vegetables and flowers. She hopes the strong work ethic she has showed over the years along with the practical skills she possesses will be a great help to this year’s camp. She wanted to appear on the show to experience more adventure and her love of nature. She says her zest for life is her biggest strength.


Hannah Campbell, 31, Retired Army Corporal from Northampton
Former Army Corporal Hannah lost her leg while on guard duty in Iraq. She says one of the main reasons she applied was because she wanted to show everyone watching that people with disabilities can achieve things. She cites a time when she used her bra and a bag of frozen crumpets to help someone with a sprained ankle as an example of the practical skills she can bring to the show. She also feels she will be able to call on many skills from her army days, such as working in a team, to benefit the camp.


Rozelle David, 33, Plumber from Watford
Roz decided to enter the show because she wanted to show she has strength of character and that modern women are capable of anything. She says her greatest strength is making people laugh. She hopes that the practical skills from her plumbing job will transfer to island life and be a real asset to the camp. She enjoys her job and even sent her friends a picture of the first toilet she ever fixed because she was so proud of it. She has recently taken up boxing and won a charity match earlier this year.


Sarah Carnie 30, Camerawoman from London
Sarah was born in Edinburgh but has lived in LA, London and Australia. She used to play lawn bowls when she was a teenager. She says the main reason she wanted to take part in the show was because she was searching for something challenging to take part in after working solidly for years. She says she is a good problem solver and she can think fast on her feet which she feels will be useful for island life. She describes herself as resilient, driven and outgoing.


Shaney Langhorn, 25, Chartered Accountant from Kettering
Shaney says she applied for The Island because she feels she hasn’t challenged herself physically or emotionally so far. Her life up to this point has been about studying and her job and she wants to prove she is more than the just the qualifications she has worked for and get out of her comfort zone The last time she did anything outdoors was a caravan holiday when she was 10. Motivated, determined and direct are the three words she says describe her best. She says she is a good listener and her fellow camp mates will be able to talk to her if they need to.


Tilly Martin, 28, Barmaid from London
‘Absolute f*****g nightmare’ are the three words Tilly uses to describe herself. She has lived in Spain, Virginia and Scotland and is now based in London. She names a Brownie holiday she went on as a youngster as her only survival experience before the show and though she is scared of everything to do with island life, she feels ready to face her fears. She decided to apply for The Island because she feels she is coasting in life and hasn’t achieved much so far. She wants to find out who she really is, as well as making her mum proud.


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Zoe Hines, 29, Camerawoman from London
Zoe wanted to take part in the show thanks to watching the past two series and thinking she could do better than previous islanders. She did no preparation and even had to borrow her husband’s waterproof trousers. She says the three words that describe her best are complicated, reliable and chocoholic.