Jamie Oliver inspires healthier eating with two new Channel 4 shows

Category: News Release

Ten years after tackling the dire state of Britain’s school dinners, Jamie Oliver is back on the campaign trail with two Channel 4 TV projects focused on healthier eating.

In a powerful, one-off documentary Jamie’s Sugar Rush (w/t), he will be investigating the huge contribution sugar is making to rising global health problems. Jamie will be travelling the world, visiting countries such as Mexico, to investigate how everyone from young children to parents are being affected by advertising for sugary products, how many ‘healthy’ foods are actually sugar-laden and can be damaging to our health, as well as meeting people suffering the devastating effects of Type 2 diabetes, brought on partly by excess sugar in their diets. Jamie will be asking challenging questions about the urgent action needed to address this global issue.

Meanwhile in Jamie’s Super Food (w/t), a six-part series, Jamie will be also be on the road, this time travelling to some of the healthiest places on the planet to uncover the secrets of just why these areas have the most centenarians in the world. He'll then bring all that knowledge back to the UK, providing us with easy, exciting, delicious recipes that we can cook up at home, every day.

Jamie Oliver said: “Sugar Rush is very much about putting the spotlight firmly on a massive global problem and highlighting the hugely negative impact sugar is having on our health. Let’s not forget that diet-related disease is one of the world’s biggest killers and it’s entirely preventable. I like to think of the Super Food series as part of a solution to this problem – it focuses on healthy, tasty, easily achievable meals, as well as loads of tips and extra info, to help us all get it right on the food front, most of the time.”

Both projects are being made by Fresh One Productions. Jamie’s Sugar Rush is commissioned by Commissioning Editor, Specialist Factual, Sara Ramsden, while Jamie’s Super Food is commissioned by Head of Features, Gill Wilson and Commissioning Editor, Features, Lizi Wootton.

Sara Ramsden said: “It’s great to see Jamie getting so passionate as he tackles the issues surrounding the ticking time bomb that is our over-consumption of sugar.”

Gill Wilson said: “It’s exciting to have Jamie back on the road, bringing us more insight into the world’s greatest recipes and ingredients.”