Joe and Dan Interview for Hunted S3

Category: News Release

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Why did you want to take part in Hunted?

I applied on behalf of Dan and myself as I am a massive fan of Hunted. I saw the applications advertised at the end of series two and immediately applied! I then told Dan I had applied for us both! I didn’t really think it would matter as there would be so many people going for it! Still feels strange that we got picked to do it!

What special skills or attributes made you think you’d succeed in this?

The amount of skills I had to go on the run were pretty much zero practical skills. I suppose one of the best things I had personally was a lot of determination/stubbornness, I’m also quite good with people so I think that helped. I am also a big Hunted fan so was well aware of many of the tricks the hunters like to use!! Together I think our best skills are that we are a good team having worked together for around 10 years.

What did you think the experience would be like making the programme, and how did the reality match up to your expectations?

I had no idea what the experience would be like and I suppose the main difference was the length of the run! As a viewer you don’t get to appreciate how long it can take to ride your bike from one side of the country to another. 

Did you pick up any tips from having watched the first two series?

I picked up plenty of tips from the previous series and plenty of things not to do as well!

Did you go into it with loads of detailed plans, or did you just go where fate took you?

We had no detailed plans whatsoever we figured if we didn’t know where we were going how would the hunters?

What was the toughest aspect of the whole experience?

The toughest part of the whole experience was missing family and friends. We have so much communication nowadays and we had none of it and that gets really rough after a couple of weeks. I missed my wife immensely.

Did you find yourself getting paranoid?

I didn’t get too paranoid as I was worried about what we were doing not what the hunters were doing.

Did you form bonds with people when you were away? Did you meet people who were a really big help to you?

We met lots of great people who were incredibly helpful. It just made me believe in human nature more!

Were there any particular high or low points in the whole thing for you?

All emotions were amplified on the run so the difference between a good mood and a bad mood could have been absolutely anything! So one minute you could be really down and the next loving life it was a bit crazy! However my favourite night was when we lucked upon a youth hostel that we had to ourselves, they had just had a wedding and gave us loads of left over alcohol which we drank in a hot tub!! And the lowest point was when I went to visit my mum and dad it was quite emotional!

What would you say you learned from this experience?

I think I learned to not go on the run! I suppose the main thing I learned is that I really missed my family and friends and I don’t function well without them! But me and Dan can do anything!!