Jon Callaway interview for SAS: Who Dares Wins

Category: News Release

What is your job in normal life?

At the moment I have a few different jobs. I'm working towards my stunt register so I'm training pretty much full time for that, along with any film extra work, and personal training.


Why did you want to take part in such a gruelling ordeal?

I didn’t see it as a gruelling ordeal when I signed up for the show, as when I was growing up I wanted to be in Special Forces anyway. If anything it was a challenge and an opportunity to prove to myself what I could become.


What did you expect from the experience?

I had no idea what to expect, through my over-confidence I didn't even search or look up what happens in an SF selection. I’d never been up a mountain, never worn a Bergen, never been interrogated... I’m sure most haven't to be fair.


Was it what you expected?

It wasn’t what I expected, I didn't think we would be treated like robots, or like children being screamed at like we were worthless. That part I found the hardest


What was harder, the physical or the psychological aspects?

For me personally the psychological side of it was the trickiest part. Sleep deprivation isn't my strong point, but the physical side of it I thought was actually quite fun. Being screamed at and called every name under the sun I didn't think for me was a necessary part of the selection.  


What was your highest point.

I think my highest point was every time a recruit quit. I got a sense of self-worth every time someone couldn’t handle it and quit... And I’m still going strong.

Did you bond with your fellow recruits?

I love all my recruits, weird how a few days of adversity can bring you so close together. I guess it became an us vs them situation and we had to get through it all together, but I made some friends for life for sure.


How did you feel towards your instructors?

In the civvy world you can’t get respect talking to someone how the instructors did to us, especially me. I know that’s how it works in the forces, but I like to be respected and not put down. I know they were doing a job but I’m not a forces kind of guy, I’m a self-made man, I’ve been doing what I want not what someone tells me to do. But these dudes are the real deal, chief staff in my eyes is a god. I didn’t get to meet them individually and chat properly so I would like to see them all again. The medic staff (Steve) said to me at the beginning he's got faith in me and he's rooting for me... That definitely kept me going at some hard parts, legend.


Did you spend any time thinking about what else you could have been doing with your holiday?

To me the eight days of selection was a holiday. I got more out of this holiday than any others I have been on, put it that way,


What – if anything – have you learned about yourself?

I’ve learnt that I need to work on who I am as an individual. I need to stop obsessing about being better than everybody at everything, I just don’t want to be with a partner and not be good enough or not be the best at everything.


Would you want to join the army – or even the SAS – given the opportunity?

My main priority is getting into film stunts and acting alongside it. I would like to have been in the forces mainly to become the ultimate soldier, but I can reach self-actualization in other routes of life.



SAS: Who Dares Wins starts on Monday 19th October at 9pm on Channel 4