The Jump - day 2 clips

Category: News Release

Whoever thinks that men are braver than women needs to take their head out of the snowdrift and watch last night’s episode of The Jump. Having tackled the terrors of the skeleton course, four of the eight women in the competition had to take part in the jump off live on Channel 4.

Remarkably, all four of them chose to take on the K24 jump, in an astonishing display of courage and indifatigabi… indefitagab… indifitigibi… in an astonishing display of courage that put the men to shame. (Not that Tuffers and Dom will mind, exactly – not when there’s all that après-ski to console them.)

Among them was the astonishing Heather Mills who, like a dim-witted egg in a pancake mix, never knows she’s beaten. Last night, she became the first below-the-knee amputee to attempt a ski jump - and she was doing it on a borrowed leg after breaking her own custom jump leg in training. Respect the Mills, people!