The Jump - Episode 2 recap

Category: News Release

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At the start of the show it was confirmed that due to a reoccurring shoulder injury Olympic Gold Medal winning swimmer Rebecca Adlington would not be able to continue in the competition and her replacement would be Wanted singer Tom Parker.

Rebecca said of her time on The Jump: “I have loved my time on the show and I’m so sad to be leaving on injury. I’m so proud of myself with the challenges I have overcome, from skeleton to jumping and learning how to ski. I’m very grateful to have met the most incredible people as well. It was so difficult but so much fun at the same time.” 

Episode two of The Jump saw the competitors take on Snow Cross LIVE in a furious race down the slopes to remain in the competition and in with a chance to win the much coveted Cowbell Trophy.

Snow Cross is one of the most exciting winter sports where short skis are fused onto the bottom of traditional ski boots making the snow skates lighter and more agile than skis. The competitors went head-to-head in a no-holds-barred battle to reach the finish line first. But with a winding course including hairpin turns, jumps and obstacles to negotiate, simply getting the bottom was enough to get the contestants’ hearts racing. 

Kitted head-to-toe in ice-hockey gear, Race One saw Dean Cain, Brian McFadden and James ‘Arg’ Argent launch themselves out of the start gate and endeavour to reach the finish line first. This is a contact sport and with Dean’s background in American Football he was taking no prisoners, it was a tough draw for Arg but he wasn’t going down without a fight but he looked like he might do better than expected when Brian got off to a shaky start. Dean rolled over the finish line first, followed by Arg and a tumbling Brian.

Race Two saw Sid Owen, Mark-Francis Vandelli and new boy Tom Parker lined up and ready to battle down the course. Tom was quick out of the start gate, so the question was who would come out on top – Eastender Sid or Chelsea chap Mark-Francis. Tom shot down the track and Mark-Francis managed to swipe second place after Sid felt a strain in his thigh and failed to finish the course.

As Olympic Bronze Medal winning gymnast Beth Tweddle is awaiting routine surgery on her back after a fall in training, she was absent from tonight’s show. This left Race Three down to two fierce females, Sarah Harding and Tamara Beckwith.  With their game faces on they were ready to fight their way down the course. Neither wanted to face The Air Jump and they made sure when one fell she took the other with her. Tamara took on the lead and knew she needed to pick up some speed but Sarah couldn’t stay on her feet and Tamara took first place.

In the Runners Up Race reality TV stars James ‘Arg’ Argent and Mark-Francis Vandelli went head to head with pop star Sarah Harding and all determined not to face The Air Jump but who would stay on their feet longest and win the race? Sarah took the lead, Mark-Francis overtook but couldn’t hold it as Sarah overtook to claim first place and sailed through to next week’s show. Arg dragged himself over the finish line on his bottom but Mark-Francis was left behind after falling on the course and was immediately attended to by medics.

It was time for a clash of the Snow Cross titans as Dean Cain, Tom Parker and Tamara Beckwith raced to be the ultimate winner of the night. Tom was quick out of the gates, Dean was determined to try and take him out but no one could catch the newcomer to the competition. Tom Parker sped across the finish line to take first place, followed by Dean then Tamara.

Sid Owen was up first to be seen taking on The Air Jump using his contingency jump due to his earlier thigh strain, getting his legs up high and jumping 9.04m. Up next was Brian McFadden with a live Air Jump and he reached a hugely impressive 9.41m.  James ‘Arg’ Argent went next leaping just 8.6m putting him in danger of leaving the competition. Finally it was the turn of Mark-Francis Vandelli who in his contingency jump recorded earlier, he went flying towards the kicker and jumping 9.09m.

Having jumped just 8.6m it was the end of the competition for Arg.  

At the end of the programme it was revealed that Heather Mills will be returning to compete in The Jump 2016 from next week.




Dean Cain


Brian McFadden


James ‘Arg’ Argent






Tom Parker


Sid Owen


Mark-Francis Vandelli






Tamara Beckwith


Sarah Harding






 Sarah Harding


 Mark-Francis Vandelli


 James ‘Arg’ Argent  






 Tome Parker


 Dean Cain


 Tamara Beckwith