The Jump - women interviews

Category: News Release

Jade Jones


Two times Olympic gold medal winning Taekwondo champion


Why did you want to do this show?

I just thought that life is too short not to take opportunities when they come up. I’m really excited, it’s a buzz to try something new. I’ve done Taekwondo for so many years now, I needed a break to do something different otherwise I don’t think I would enjoy the next four years of training for Tokyo.


What did your coaches say?

They were worried, but at the end of the day they are still supportive because they know that I haven’t done anything other than train, train, train. They know I needed a break, I’m not a robot. I honestly don’t think I would be able to do Tokyo if I didn’t do something different for a little bit. The Olympics is such a big event and the next Olympics isn’t for another four years so it would be really draining if I just got straight back into it. By doing the Jump I’m excited to be learning something new and do something I want to do for once.


There were a lot of injuries last year, are you not worried?

I thought about doing this for weeks because I could get injured. But I don't think you can live your life like that, you could cross over the road and get hit by a bus, you never know what’s around the corner. I thought I would regret it more if I didn’t do this show. I’m 23 at the end of the day, I want to enjoy my life.


Would you consider yourself fearless?

I would say so but in this I’m quite reserved. I don’t want to take stupid risks because I do want to go to the Tokyo Olympics. It’s about confidence, the more I get, the more I enjoy it and the more I push myself.


How does the training for this compare with what you’re used to?

The fitness side of things isn’t a problem at all. It feels like I’m not doing any exercise because I am used to pushing myself. The thing I’m having to get my head round is I’m used to, and good at, Taekwondo, but I’m not used to struggling with something. At first I was getting really frustrated, I’m not used to being crap! The athlete in me wants to keep going and going to get myself to a really good level.


How do you think the nerves are going to compare to the Olympics?

There’s a different type of fear, when I’m in the ring I’m just scared of losing. So there’s a different type of fear. I think after this show I’m going to be more fearless than ever.


How are you feeling about tackling the Jump?

We did the first session of training for it today and it was crazy.


Are you pleased there are so many sports stars on the show?

Definitely. It’s amazing to have so many great sports men and women on the show and to be competing against them. I reckon that it’s going to get so competitive because everyone hates losing and wants to win. It should be good! In training we’re all quite reserved but I think when it comes to the competition, I don’t think I’ll be able to hold back! I want to win, it’s my instinct to win.


Will you give as good as you get?

I think when it comes to snow cross I’ll be able to pull out a few kicks to try and take the advantage, a few sneaky kicks here and there to bring them down! It’s amazing to be in competition against people like Sir Bradley Wiggins who is a legend in sport. We’ve got all sorts of sports covered so I think it’s going to be a tough competition. The thing is the boys are only worried about being the fastest, but the girls are more calm about it all, so I don’t think they should take their eye off us.


There’s never been a female winner of this show, what would it mean to you to be the first?

It would be brilliant. I love making history so it would be cool to beat off all the boys and win.



How have you found the outfits for the show?

It’s a little bit tighter than I’m used to! The thing I’m struggling with is the glamour part of the show. I’m so used to being in sports gear, trainers and no make-up. But now I’m getting my hair and make-up done. That’s a bit strange for me but it’s a nice change. I’m not too bothered about the suit, I’m used to being in a big white suit so a colourful Lycra one is probably better. I’ve got team GB colours with a bit of gold in there too, so I’m happy.


Are you looking forward to the après-ski?

I’ve never done this type of thing before so I didn’t know what to expect, especially being around reality TV stars. But they have all been so welcoming, I’m excited. They all seem like really genuine people who like to have a laugh, so there’s a lot of banter. Spencer is the naughtiest so far, he’s always messing around.


There’s been talk about you crossing over to the UFC like Ronda Rousey did, what are your thoughts on that?

That’s definitely something I want to do. The thing is no one has ever won three Olympic gold medals in Taekwondo so I want to stay in the sport for now to try and achieve that, that would be amazing. But after that I’d love to get into the UFC and get to the top of that too. It would be great to be as big as Ronda Rousey, she started out in Judo, she got a bronze medal at the Olympics. So you never know, with Olympic golds I might have a chance myself.