Let us help you, esteemed journos and espadrille-wearing media types

Category: News Release


Ladies and gentlemen of the fourth estate,

Your job has never been more difficult. Once upon a time, you could wander in at lunchtime, write a few lines of turgid prose about Thatcher’s economic policy/Linda Lusardi’s breasts/whatever the phone hacks had revealed, and be down at the pub quaffing whiskey chasers by 4pm.

Nowadays, not only do you have to operate a 24-hour news service, you also have to actually operate with a degree of probity. Booooorrriiiing, amirite? And now, all of a sudden, you can’t ruddy move for fake news, on Facebook, on Twitter, hell, you can’t even trust London Underground station signs anymore.

As such, you need to make sure you’re getting information direct from la bouche du cheval (I have no idea why I wrote that in French). Imagine, if you will, the career-ending humiliation if you got the details of a new Hollyoaks sponsorship wrong, or if you mis-spelled the name of a Made in Chelsea starlet. It doesn’t really bear thinking about.

Fortunately, we can be your loquacious horse. Because every morning* at 10:30am**, we issue an email alert outlining any new announcements that have been put out by the press office. This could be anything from news about a new documentary highlighting the dangers faced by sloths in Vanuatu, to a press pack, relating to a new American drama, featuring contractually-obliged interviews the stars have begrudgingly given from their cars on their way to the gym.

So, of you want to know what’s going on at your favourite Channel… well, you’d better follow Movies4Men on Twitter. But if you want to know what’s happening on Channel 4, sign up to our daily email alert here.


Praise for Channel 4’s email alert:

“Undoubtedly the best read since Middlemarch.” Benjie Goodhart, C4 Press Website Editor

“The most useful research tool I have encountered in 30 years in the business.” A real and definitely not made up journalist.

“I’ve never actually read Middlemarch.” Benjie Goodhart, C4 Press Website Editor

“Darling, this is wonderful, I am so proud of you, far more than I am of either of your sisters.” Benjie Goodhart’s mum.


*Not strictly every morning. We don’t do weekends, obvs. And some days we don’t actually publish any stories.

**10:30am is a theoretical concept, a bit like parallel universes and soft Brexit.