Meet the cast- Dean

Category: News Release

Age: 23
Occupation: Professional Dancer
From: London

A self-confessed old romantic, Dean has every hope that the show will help him on his quest to find true love. Although young in age, he says he’s searching for something serious and is looking to settle down. In an ideal world he “wants to be the new Elton John, with 2.4 children”.
Having grown up in Belfast, Dean says he was drawn to the bright lights of London in the hope of helping him follow his dream of being in the theatre.  He was in a serious relationship for a year having found love at drama school in London. He has now been single for two and a half years.
A familiar face on the London gay scene, Dean says his name is always on the list for a whole host of events; however he is searching for the right guy to be his plus one.
Although he is more than comfortable taking centre stage presenting gigs he thinks he crumbles when it comes to dating. Apparently no stranger to dating apps Grindr and Tinder, Dean is fed up of flings and wants to find his Mr Right.