Meet the cast - Laura

Category: News Release

Age: 29
Occupation: Dancer and Actress
From: London (Originally Leeds)

Leeds lass Laura says she is looking for marriage material. Based in London for the last seven years she has lived what she calls a very surreal life. “I have lived the glamorous celebrity lifestyle, without actually being a celebrity myself”. Jammy.
Laura was set to get married to her fiancé, an actor who had previously starred in Emmerdale, last year. An OK! Magazine shoot was planned to pay for the lavish honeymoon, but two months before the big day they decided to call the wedding off.
Not long after, Laura says she distracted herself from being down in the dumps by jetting off to Dubai and apparently partied with Prince Harry and his friends.
She claims she knows almost everyone there is to know in London and has endless date offers. A standard date usually involves being taken to a swanky Mayfair restaurant, with a guy once spending a staggering £850 on a meal for two. She says she was once offered five thousand pounds to sleep with a guy but politely declined the invite!
Looking to end up with a tall, dark, handsome wealthy businessman, Laura is equally attracted to the bad boys and wouldn’t mind her very own Tom Hardy.
No wonder the guys can’t resist her charms, Laura adds “I’m amazing in bed”. When asked how she feels about watching her dates back live on TV, she said “I’d absolutely love it.”