Mike Fletcher

Category: News Release


AGE: 37

OCCUPATION: Trainer in IT Systems

LIVES IN: Near York

Mike is a trainer in IT systems. He has a passion for adventure, and his big love is para-motoring, an adrenaline pumping activity that involves flying with a large kite and a propeller! His other hobby is slightly less dangerous, but Mike believes that being an accomplished angler will come in useful on the Island.

Mike lives with his fiancée and baby son his family farmhouse which doubles as a family fishing business, his son is the fifth generation to live there. Despite the birth of his son Mike has no intention of slowing down and is always seeking new adventures, he describes himself as “fearless”, and says, “you’re born with it.. you’re either a fighter or you’re not.”

What did you learn taking part in the series?
I learned that a roof over your head, food and water in your belly and good health are still the most important things in life. This hasn't changed for millennia. The rest is just detail.

What is the key thing you will take away from your time on the island?
My new appreciation and love of food is only eclipsed by my reinvigorated love of adventure.
This spirit of adventure is something I should share; as people once kindly did with me when I was young.

Has your time on the island changed your perspective on life?
It's very easy to get into a rut. Let what society perceives as normal to become your life. And sometimes you need an adventure to remind you that it doesn't need to be that way.  Life without adventure isn't living. It is simply existing.