Official Trailers for Hunted

Category: News Release


This new series will dramatically explore the scale of Britain’s surveillance state’s all-seeing gaze. Going off-grid is now a near impossible task. Our surveillance society catches us on CCTV up to seventy times a day, but the ever-watching eye can see much further than that. Now everything from cash withdrawals to supermarket shopping, from telephone calls to social media posts are monitored. Our journeys are tracked, our locations are stored and our most personal of details sit on scores of anonymous databases. So is it ever possible to slip through the net in a surveillance nation? The internet, and sophisticated tracking devices in cards and phones means it is now harder than ever to avoid detection. One expert estimates if you haven’t used your phone, bank account, email or social media for 48 hours, you’re considered dead. But if you had to disappear tomorrow and become a fugitive, could you escape the tracks of your electronic footprint and head off grid? And just how would you go about it? This summer, a group of ordinary Brits went on the run. They were filmed as they took extreme measures to try to evade capture from our expert hunters. What they did and where they wet was up to them – but with a team of Hunters seeking them out and tracking them down, their task of going dark was a truly tough one.