Our Man In...

Category: News Release

This observational documentary series follows the working lives of British Consuls and their staff in Spain in some of the busiest offices in the world - Alicante, Ibiza, Mallorca, Barcelona and Tenerife - as they cope with everything British holidaymakers and expats throw at them.

Spain receives more than 13 million British visitors every year, and has more than 800,000 British residents. The British consular staff dealt with nearly 12,000 cases last year alone.

Everyone's story is different - some have simply been unlucky, others careless, some criminal and some just plain silly - and consular staff are left to pick up the pieces of wrecked holidays, car crashes, crime incidents, drunken binges, deaths and the hundred and one things that can go wrong when Brits go abroad. They are the people who will help when holiday makers and expats have no one else to turn to, can't speak the language and are generally at their wits end.

Our Man In... joins them on the frontline as they deal with the huge number of cases they are confronted with during the height of the summer holiday season, and the cameras accompany them whether they are visiting police cells, prisons, hospitals or hotels, 24 hours a day.

Production company
Screenchannel TV