Raw TV cutting edge documentary commissioned by Channel 4

Category: News Release

Channel 4 have commissioned Raw TV to produce a Cutting Edge documentary film One Punch (w/t) (1 x 60’) which explores the phenomenon of a one punch kill, a single hit that can have dire consequences. From a row over a parking space in a local Asda car-park, an unanticipated fight outside a nightclub to an argument at a teenage house party these singular moments result in one life changing act, a deadly punch. With three different assaults examined, the documentary shows that a single punch can have a colossal effect, and often in the most innocuous locations and circumstances.

One Punch has filmed been over two and a half years in close proximity with the Warwickshire and Bedfordshire police forces, Victim Support and the Ministry of Justice. The film includes a behind bars interview with a convicted attacker and features compelling CCTV and mobile phone archive charting the moments leading up to a fatal assault.

One Punch (w/t) examines the repercussions of a single impulsive act of violence for both the victim and the perpetrator, exploring the long lasting impact of an instant. We hear three accidental killers and observe the circumstances that led up to the fatal punch, how their lives have changed, how their guilt affects them and the complex emotional journey that follows.

Channel 4's Documentaries Commissioning Editor is Alisa Pomeroy. Executive Producer is Raw TV’s Head of UK Factual Richard Bond and Tim Wardle directed.
"This is an important film about an underreported phenomena.  It reveals the shocking and surprising stories behind the headlines through powerful and moving testimony" said Richard Bond, Head of UK Factual Raw TV.