The Real Noah's Ark

Category: News Release

A one off Channel 4 documentary The Real Noah’s Ark details the astonishing story of Dr Irving Finkel, a world expert on ancient Babylon and his incredible discovery of a 4000 year old tablet that sheds new light on the iconic  and world famous biblical tale of Noah’s  Ark.

Having spent 20 years translating the tablet, Dr Finkel sets out to show that the biblical narrative originated from stories that had been embedded in Sumerian and Babylonian society and literature for thousands of years.  Taking further inspiration from this incredible ancient artefact he also casts new light on the shape of the ark believing that it was round. 

The ancient clay tablet, discovered on a mantle-piece in a UK suburban home is inscribed with the world’s oldest language.  It tells of the story of Noah and the great flood story and gives precise and detailed instructions on how to build an ark. Inspired by his find Dr Finkel and a team of archaeological boat builders set out to build a real Noah’s ark and discover if the ancient immense coracle shaped boat can float.

This iconic and universal story in human history is one of the most epic stories in three of the world’s greatest religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam.  This tablet and Dr Finkel’s dedicated research and discoveries provides a fascinating new perspective on this pivotal religious story.