The Secret Life of Students - Ben

Category: News Release

AGE: 19
FROM: Runcorn
LIVING: Self-catered flat
STUDYING: Biological Sciences
SOCIAL NETWORKING: Ben uses different forms of social media in line with his mood – he tweets when angry, uses snapchat with his home friends all day long and doesn’t use Facebook very much anymore.

During his first year of college, Ben didn’t get the grades to study medicine and didn’t bother applying to university; he thought his dream of studying medicine was over. But with the support of him mum, with whom he is very close, and his chemistry teacher, some extra tuition and a lot of determination, Ben managed to get an A and 2 A*s in his A levels. He’d been to an open day at The University of Leicester and so decided to call them up to see if he could still get in.

They didn’t offer him a place on their medical degree but they did offer him a full scholarship to study Biological Sciences, with a promise that he could apply to move onto medicine if he did well in his 1st year. Ben knows there’s a lot of competition for these places and the pressure is on.

Unlike most other Freshers his focus is on working hard and getting the grades he needs…

Ben plans to spend Fresher’s Week going absolutely mental, but then plans to calm down from the second week when his lectures start.

Ben will have a lot to prove at university in terms of achieving his goal of studying medicine. He’s also interested in meeting someone. He’s excited and motivated, and a very interesting, passionate young person to talk to.

Will he manage to avoid the lure of parties and his new friends? Or will he manage to keep his academic career his main priority?