Sexting Teacher

Category: News Release

Sexting Teacher carefully tells the stories of three teacher-pupil relationships in the age of social media and mobile phones.  All three cases led to a prison sentence and shame for the teacher and had a tumultuous effect on the lives of those involved.  The stories highlight how technology is enabling the worrying trend of relationships between teachers and their underage pupils and gives a new level of insight into the dangers for the girls involved. 

The film examines the recent case of Jeremy Forrest and his 15-year old pupil, who cannot be named for legal reasons, called ‘Gemma’ in the film (played by 18-year old actress Tania Shew). It includes accurate dramatic reconstruction of police interviews based on verbatim court transcripts, as well as reconstruction of key events, with text and Twitter messages featured based on police evidence. 

When Forrest (portrayed by actor Pete Jackson) was arrested in France in September last year, ‘Gemma’ was returned to the UK.  Sussex Police interviewed her for two days to find out exactly what had happened between them and what crimes had been committed by her teacher.

The reconstruction is based on the evidence of these interviews. Although ‘Gemma’ insisted she loved Jeremy Forrest and consented, even instigated, many of their actions, the tapes of her interview were later played in court and were key to Jeremy Forrest’s conviction. The interviews provide a greater level of insight into her feelings for her guitar-playing maths teacher and how what appeared to be an innocent friendship escalated.

The girl’s best friend was also interviewed by police and is played by actress Ishbel Tunnadine.

The programme also explores the case of another teacher who crossed the line with devastating consequences for his underage victim and led to his conviction, three years in jail and life as a registered sex offender.

The third case of a teacher-pupil relationship, facilitated by the rise of mobile phones amongst school children, has strong echoes of the Jeremy Forrest story.

Kat, from Portsmouth, fell in love with her teacher, 32-year old Paul, when she was 14 and then went on the run with him. Kat’s mother destroyed her mobile phones but it was not enough to stop them. Some names in the film have been changed.

Producer/Director Adrian Gatton
Executive Producer Ed Coulthard
Prod co Blast Films
Publicity Sarah Sherwin