So This Is Christmas

Category: News Release

So This Is Christmas is a nostalgic romp through the fleeting joy and protracted horror that is Christmas as we know it.

Set in Channel 4's very own Christmas House, every nook and cranny of the festive experience is vividly brought to life as well-known comics talk viewers through their best and worst festive memories in backdrops that are chillingly familiar to us all... The childhood bedroom where many a sleepless Christmas Eve is spent, the kitchen that looks like a bomb's hit it, the dining room that's been out of action for the last year (but is suddenly brought to life for a meal that nobody really likes or appreciates) and the bottom of the garden where you go for solace and a secret ciggie.

Exploring the fantasy versus the reality, So This Is Christmas gets to the heart of what you'd actually like to be doing at Christmas versus what you actually have to do.