Space tourism, submarine trains and smart body implants

Category: News Release

New research lists advances which will be part of our lives in just 50 years…

Science fiction will become science fact for those under the age of 25

See below for full document (pdf)

  • The fanciful stuff of movies and sci-fi series will become a reality in half a century, according to leading experts
  • In-body trackers to monitor our health, lunar vacations, invisibility cloaks and personal flying pods are all on the horizon
  • Top 35 predictions for the near future revealed + top ten most anticipated
  • Three in ten (31%) Brits fearful of what the future holds – Zombie Viruses and Star Wars style robot armies top the future fear factor list
  • Research commissioned for launch of new Channel 4 series bringing to life the stories of Blade Runner creator Philip K. Dick

Extravagant visions and innovations which have long been thought to be the stuff of science fiction and Hollywood movies will become a mainstay of everyday life in just 50 years according to a new study released today.

Superhero-style suits giving wearers incredible powers, implanted technology which will constantly monitor and diagnose each little blip in our health and supersonic trains which travel underwater without tunnels are among the extraordinary changes we will see introduced.

Space tourism, personal flying pods and invisibility technology are also among the seismic developments identified in new research commissioned to celebrate Channel 4’s futuristic new series Electric Dreams which airs on Sundays at 9pm.

Leading British futurologist Dr Ian Pearson led the ‘Electric Dreams Report’ collating and reviewing all the available recent expert research over the course of a month from over 100 leading sources. His report details a definitive shortlist of the 35 key innovations we can expect to witness within the next 50 years and his findings paint a vivid picture of the exciting innovations younger generations can expect to see within their own lifetimes

A sample of 2,000 Brits were quizzed on the developments identified in the study: a third of those surveyed were fearful of the future with Zombie style viruses (52%) , Star Wars style ‘robot armies’ (45%) and never-ending lives lived in virtual bodies (24%) topping the future fear factor list.

The top ten innovations they would most like to see become reality in their lifetimes were listed as follows:

  1. Smart body implants - Tiny IT devices will be implanted into the skin so blood chemistry and nerve signals can be monitored 24/7 which means ailments can be detected and diagnosed instantly – 40%
  2. Flying vehicles – driverless pods will replace cars – 28%
  3. Space tourism – will become routine with holidays in space being commonplace – 28%
  4. Virtual holidays - full sensory virtual reality (VR) will allow virtual holidays to exciting imaginary places and effectively in any body. People will use it try another gender or to be young again - 25%
  5. Domestic Robots and increased leisure time – thanks to the use of robots and androids across domestic and working environments humans will enjoy more leisure time and increased standards of living – 24%
  6. Thought Police - thought recognition technology will be used extensively to prevent crimes before they happen – 23%
  7. Virtual Meetings via hologram - It will be possible to join work meetings and social engagements via hologram – so you never miss out – 23%
  8. Superhuman abilities - Exoskeleton catsuits using electro-active polymer muscles will be available to purchase greatly upgrade strength and senses to make people superhuman – 18%
  9. Supersonic submarine trains - will link continents, using a method known as super-cavitation involving bubbles, making them as fast as planes and with no tunnel required - 16%
  10. Invisibility Cloaks – will become reality as ‘invisibility tech’ becomes more accessible, initially in the military, but social use is very likely too. Shops and clubs will use augmented reality to become invisible to the ‘wrong’ clientele by being dull and un-noticeable, while being garish and exciting to people they want to come in - 13%

Topping the list was the creation of personal health monitors implanted into the skin to detect and diagnose conditions (40%). Personal flying vehicles (28%), such as those seen in a host of films from Back to the Future to The Jetsons, with holidays in space completing the top three (28%).

Also featuring in the top 10 are virtual holidays that allow users to have incredible experiences without having to travel at all (25%), as well as increased leisure time thanks to the use of domestic robots and androids (24%)

Other incredible changes include the introduction of crime fighters who can prevent illegal activity before it happens thanks to thought recognition technology (23%), virtual meetings via hologram (23%) and underwater trains capable of mind-blowing speed, made possible by a technique called ‘supercavitation’ which uses bubbles to cut resistance through the water (16%).

The study was commissioned to mark the launch of Channel 4’s Electric Dreams which features an all-star cast including Steve Buscemi, Timothy Spall, Anna Paquin, Bryan Cranston and Greg Kinnear. The 10-part series brings to life the work of US writer Philip K. Dick, dramatising self-contained short stories from the author whose tales inspired the movies Blade Runner and Minority Report and the hit series The Man in the High Castle.

Futurologist Dr Ian Pearson, said: “Many of the things we take for granted today like instant mobile global communication at the touch of a button and computer networks which allow us to tap into the sum of all knowledge were once fanciful ideas of science fiction. Our human quest for innovation is relentless and we will continue to see a whole raft of developments as ideas that were once features of futuristic sci-fi books and TV series become not only a reality but an accepted part of our everyday lives.

Philip K. Dick was among those who were years ahead of their time in identifying the changes we can expect to see in the future, and Channel 4’s new series Electric Dreams is a fascinating insight into his vision, his predictive powers and his incredible story-telling.”

Electric Dreams is on Sundays on Channel 4 at 9pm.


Notes to editors

Survey of 2,000 British adults was conducted in September 2017, on behalf of Channel 4.

About Electric Dreams

Electric Dreams, which airs on Channel 4  on Sunday’s at 9pm, is a sci-fi anthology series of ten epic, ambitious and moving standalone episodes, each set in a different and unique world – some which lie in the far reaches of the universe and time and others which are much, much closer to home. While the stories may be worlds apart, central to each is the poignant and warm exploration of the importance and significance of humanity. Each episode is inspired by one of Philip K. Dick’s renowned short stories and has been adapted by an incredible line up of leading British and American writers and directors. The series also features an all-star roster of cast - including Steve Buscemi, Julia Davis, Anna Paquin, Terrance Howard, Bryan Cranston, Richard Madden, Holliday Grainger, Janelle Monae, Juno Temple and Greg Kinnear - who head up this thrilling, audacious and emotional journey into the far reaches of imagination. Find more information on the series here:


About Channel 4

Channel 4 is a publicly-owned, commercially-funded, not-for-profit public service broadcaster and has a remit to be innovative, experimental and distinctive. Its public ownership and not-for-profit status ensure all profit generated by its commercial activity is directly reinvested back into the delivery of its public service remit. As a publisher-broadcaster, Channel 4 is also required to commission UK content from the independent production sector and currently works with 300 creative companies across the UK every year. In addition to the main Channel 4 service, its portfolio includes: E4, More4, Film4, 4Music, 4seven, and digital service All 4.


About Dr Ian Pearson BSc DSc(hc) CITP FBCS FWAAS FWIF

Ian Pearson is a full time futurologist, tracking and predicting developments across a wide range of technology, business, society, politics and the environment. He is a Maths and Physics graduate, a Doctor of Science, and has worked in numerous branches of engineering, from aeronautics to cybernetics, sustainable transport to electronic cosmetics. His 1800+ inventions include text messaging, the active contact lens and space launch systems. He was BT’s full-time futurologist from 1991 to 2007 and now runs Futurizon, a small futures institute. He writes, lectures and consults globally on all aspects of the technology-driven future. He has written several books and made over 700 TV and radio appearances. He is a Chartered Fellow of the British Computer Society and a Fellow of the World Academy of Art and Science, and the World Innovation Foundation.