Statement regarding Sri Lanka from Alistair Burt MP

Category: News Release

Alistair Burt MP, Foreign & Commonwealth Office Minister with responsibility for Sri Lanka, has made a statement following the broadcast of Sri Lanka's Killing Fields: War Crimes Uncovered. Here is the full transcript:

"Once again, Channel 4 has brought to international attention important and disturbing evidence to support allegations of grave abuses in Sri Lanka.

"Since the end of the conflict, the international community has called for an independent, credible and thorough investigation into alleged war crimes on both sides of the conflict.  Channel 4's documentaries reinforce the need for that investigation. 

"I continue to believe that Sri Lanka, in accordance with its Government's public statements, can achieve lasting peace and reconciliation.  But this requires a full and honest acknowledgement of the past and it requires processes, in which all parties take part, to ensure justice, reconciliation and political progress. 

"That is why the UK will urge the UN Human Rights Council to pass a resolution next week which calls on Sri Lanka to take these steps and implement the recommendations of their own Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission."

The press release is available on the Foreign Office website: