Summer 2017 highlights

Category: News Release

Yippee. Summer’s here. The grass is going brown, the plants are dying, everyone’s getting sunburnt and nobody’s sleeping properly. Woo hoo! Summer. Long languid afternoons spent in the garden, smelling the unmistakable aroma of slowly-heating rubbish, and with the anticipatory thrill that comes from the sure and certain knowledge that in a couple of weeks you’ll have to entertain your own children for six entire weeks without a break.

Summer: Wimbledon, Royal Ascot, Test Cricket: All things you can ignore while you close your curtains, mutter to yourself the summer equivalent of “Bah humbug,” and press the all-important number four on your tellybox. (Actually, to be fair, it’s probably 104 or something nowadays, but you get the idea).

Here is a cheeky little roundup of the entertaining sausages set to sizzle away on your televisual barbecue in July, August and September. Whoooooop!