Taking the 'cool' out of 'school'

Category: News Release


The following exercise in humiliation is a brutal hazing exercise dressed up as a supportive stunt in order to publicise our new 8pm drama Ackley Bridge. Those of a sensitive disposition may wish to look away now.

Remember when you were at school? You had a lifetime of hopes and ambitions ahead of you, if only you could get through double maths without vomiting with boredom? The world was your oyster. There were dreams to dream, places to go, and, more imminently, fags to be smoked behind the science block. You were young, you were good looking, and you were definitely, definitely cool.

Well, maybe YOU were. It turns out we were a shower of absolute freaks, as the following school photographs indicate.

Ackley Bridge starts tonight, Wednesday 7th June, at 8pm on Channel 4.