Troy reveals the secrets used by scam artists in 'Digital Hijack' (wt)

Category: News Release

Digital Hijack with Troy will demonstrate just how easy it is to be scammed, have your private pictures used or your identity stolen. The 1x60’ programme from Objective Productions will be fronted by south east London street magician Troy Von Scheibner and reveal the simple scams used by thieves, conmen, advertisers, multi-national corporations and even politicians to access your personal data.


Who is watching you? And what are they doing with your information? The average internet user spends16 hours a month online with 27% of that surfing social networking sites. For many young people in the UK sharing intimate, nude and sexual pictures via text message and the web is just the norm and we are all more vulnerable than ever when it comes to tech and data sharing.


Using a series of stunts Troy and his crack team of undercover agents will track down the over sharers, the careless and the many who simply don’t take their data security seriously to show them how easy it is to be scammed and how they can protect themselves against it.


Digital Hijack with Troy was commissioned by Head of Formats Dom Bird and Formats Commissioner Simone Haywood, and the format was created by Objective Productions’ Head of Magic, Anthony Owen.