Voltage TV Channel 4's latest Growth Fund investment

Category: News Release

Picture: Sanjay Singhal


Channel 4 Corporation today announced it has made another Growth Fund investment taking an equity stake in one of the fastest growing new production companies, Voltage TV, established by former Dragonfly heads, Sanjay Singhal and Steven Nam.

This latest deal from the Corporation’s £20m Growth Fund follows its recent investment in Renowned Films earlier this year and joins a varied portfolio of UK based independent production companies supported by the fund to help scale growth and nurture the talent of these creative burgeoning businesses.

Highly regarded TV execs Sanjay and Steven founded Voltage TV just over two years ago and have already put their ambitious, bold production trademark on the UK factual indie sector securing several key commissions for major networks, including epic landmark series X-Ray Mega Airport (5 x 60) for Discovery Networks International to be broadcast later this year. Other key productions include: NHS: £2 Billion A Week & Counting (2 x 60) and The British Property Boom (1 x 60) for Channel 4; Epilepsy And Me (1 x 60) and Extreme At 18 (w/t) (1 x 60) currently in production for BBC Three. Voltage’s first series for the BBC, Inside The Factory: How Our Favourite Foods Are Made (3 x 60) for BBC Two was stripped across three nights earlier this month, and has been the highest rated factual series for BBC Two so far in May. The indie is currently working on a number of funded developments for broadcasters including ITV, Channel 4, BBC, Discovery Networks International and Sky – ranging from access-based observational films to factual dramas and a cinema documentary.

Award-winning executive producer Sanjay has been making programmes for over 20 years. Following 15 years at the BBC, he was appointed MD at Dragonfly Film and TV where he oversaw in excess of 250 hours of factual programmes. His credits include: The Apprentice (BBC); One Born Every Minute; The Family; The Hotel; Bear Grylls’ Wild Weekends and The Plane Crash (Channel 4/Discovery Networks International).