Who's really underneath the jumpsuits?

Category: News Release

Jess (Karla Crome)

Jess is smart and articulate. She says the un-sayable and questions social norms and etiquette. When she was struck in the storm, Jess – who hates people who bullshit and lie to her – developed X-ray vision, and she now sees straight to the heart of things. Jess might be tough and straight talking, but she has a vulnerable side hidden beneath her cool exterior. Having had her heart broken by Alex ‘the handsome barman’ in Series 4, Jess is now more determined than ever that she won’t let her vulnerability show. But despite her cool exterior, an unlikely liaison is on the horizon that takes her completely by surprise.

Rudy (Joseph Gilgun)

Rudy’s character is as varied and complex as his super-power suggests: he splits into two people, Rudy 1 and Rudy 2. Rudy 1 is rude, obnoxious and arrogant. But his alter ego is the polar opposite. He’s sensitive and caring, constantly trying to help the feckless Rudy 1 make the right choices in life. Rudy never means to hurt people, it’s just that he acts before he thinks and it’s normally his friends who are left dealing with the all-too-often nightmarish consequences. In the final series of Misfits, Rudy 2 discovers a support group for people with super powers, and once there he is encouraged by fellow attendees to stop taking flak from Rudy 1 and stand on his own two feet. When Rudy 2 confronts his other half about wanting to become his own person, Rudy 1 is predictably furious and dismissive, leading to a falling out between the two Rudys. But when Rudy 2 goes missing, Rudy 1 finds he can’t cope as well on his own as he thought.

Finn (Nathan McMullen)

Enthusiastic about life Finn is your cheeky chap next door. A character who makes others laugh, often at his own expense, Finn’s telekenisis provides even more opportunity for the others to tease him – he is still only able to master moving a cup of tea with anything approaching confidence.  A loveable Liverpudlian, Finn tries hard (perhaps a little too hard) to befriend people and please almost everyone, especially Jess whom he has had a crush on since they first met. But when he is captured by a group of Devil-worshipping scouts and the beginning of Series 5, the gang soon realise they will do whatever it takes to save their friend.

Alex (Matt Stokoe)

Alex ‘the handsome barman’ finds that women are drawn to him – it’s not his fault, it just happens. In the previous series Alex had been victim of a ‘genital swap’ power, and Jess had been the only girl he had allowed himself to get close to. But once he got his own genitals back, Alex couldn’t stop himself from trying them out with as many girls as possible. So now he’s single again, and after a lung transplant at the end of the last series, Alex finds himself with a new and very surprising power – one that makes his love life even more complicated than before. Unable to keep on the right side of the law, Alex finds himself on community service where he joins the rest of the gang in orange.

Abby (Natasha O’Keeffe)

With a blasé attitude to life, being on community service doesn’t really phase Abby - she just takes it in her stride. Series 5 sees Abby fall in love with a series of unlikely partners, but Abby has an emptiness at the heart of her. She has no memories of life before the storm – she doesn’t know who she is and no one seems to be looking for her. She’s desperate to discover the truth about what happened to her but when she does, her life becomes more complicated than ever, revealing a history that leads to a terrifying fight for her life.