Film4 FAQs

What are your commissioning priorities?

Film4 develops and co-finances feature length films for theatrical release in cinemas. Although ultimately we are looking for films that will eventually play on both Channel 4 and Film4 (the digital channel), we do not develop films specifically for television.

We look for range across our subject matter and budgets, though we prioritise stories with contemporary relevance, based around British-led talent or content.

While we are not prescriptive about the kind of material we are looking for, we are particularly interested in distinctive voices and work that aims to push the boundaries, within any given film genre.

For a better understanding of the kind of work we produce, please see

What are you not interested in?

As a general rule, we do not develop films for family audiences.

Currently we do not have an open submission system for completed or short films. However, we do make a small number of short films each year as director development with talent that we have identified, or in connection to a feature film project.

Examples of previous short films we have commissioned can be found at:

What are your tariff prices?

We don't operate tariff prices. We aim to fund ten to twelve feature films a year with a mix of licence fee and equity and all almost our films are co-financed with other financing partners. After theatrical release, our films tend to receive their TV premieres on C4 or Film4. 

What advice would you give to new talent companies keen to connect with your team?

Due to the sheer volume of material Film4 receives, we cannot consider unsolicited material (i.e material that has not been submitted via a producer or agent). Instead we find and encourage new filmmaking talent through our proactive development process and our strong links with independent producers and literary agents.

Please submit project ideas for development to Film4 as per the instructions below. Please do not submit development ideas to Film4 Acquisitions, as they only license completed films for televised broadcast on the digital channel.

If you are a writer and/or director, you will need to find a recognised agent to submit your script on your behalf. As a first time film maker, we understand that finding representation can be difficult so we do advise that before you approach an agent, it is best to create a selection of work that you can present them with. Even if they respond to a single piece of work that is sent to them, if they wish to arrange a meeting with you, they will ask for a further portfolio that they can look at before they invest in a relationship with someone.

If you are first starting out it is best to approach junior agents rather than senior agents, as they will be looking to expand their portfolios and therefore are more likely to pick up new talent.

Agents, similarly to production companies, will be looking for a new and distinctive voice to come through in someone's writing and the more material that you can support them with the more interest you will be able to generate.

While we cannot recommend a particular production company or agent or have a list to share, we can suggest checking out the Producers Alliance of Film and Television (PACT) for a directory of independent production companies or suggest picking up the Writers and Artists Yearbook, available at Amazon for the agents contacts.

It's also worth keeping an eye on Channel 4's 4Talent scheme for opportunities for new writers, and for which you don't need representation or a track record.

How Can I Submit an Idea to Film4?

For information on submitting to Film4, please email

Please do not send full scripts in the first instance.

Please note that you will need to submit a proposal through either a registered production company (i.e. companies with a history of films that have been produced and officially distributed either theatrically or at a festival) or an agent. Due to the sheer volume of material Film4 receives, we cannot, unfortunately, consider unsolicited material that does not come via an agent or production company.