Freedom of Information Request

Making a Request

You can make a Freedom of Information (FOI) request by emailing us directly at or by writing to us at FOI Admin Team, Channel 4, 124 Horseferry Road, London SW1P 2TX.

Please note that Channel 4 is listed under schedule 1, part VI of the Freedom of Information Act in respect of information held for the purposes other than those of journalism, art and literature which includes material held for the purposes of broadcasting output. This means that we are not required to provide information about our journalism activities and broadcasting output in response to FOI requests.

If you have a request about Channel 4's creative output, for example a query about one of our programmes, your request should be directed to Channel 4's Viewer Enquiries team. You can find their contact details and lot more useful information here.

Alternatively, if you are a member of the Press and wish to speak to Channel 4's Press Office team, you can find contact details and more information here.