Interview with Ellie Simmonds ahead of the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games on Channel 4

Category: Interview

We sat down with Ellie Simmonds ahead of Channel 4's coverage of the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games. 

This is your first year not competing but are you excited to take on a new challenge?  
I am so excited to be taking on my new role hosting. Normally I'm the athlete on the other side doing the sport, but this time I've got the easy job. I can talk about sport, talk about the athletes. I love talking so it’s going to be an easy job. However, it’s going to be nerve wracking, it’s going to be new but I'm so excited. I cannot wait.  

What do the Paralympics mean to you?  
The Paralympics means everything to me. It’s the sport and Games that made me. It’s what you compete for. For me, my dream started when I was watching Athens in 2004. It is a competition that happens every four years where you see everyone come together from all different sports and it's like a family. You’re also representing your country, which is a huge
honour. The Paralympics is everything.  

What have been your Paralympic Games highlights and stand out moments?  
It’s London 2012. Anyone who competed in those Games knows how special it was. It was a Games like no other. Competing in front of home crowds, the excitement, the buzz. It was amazing. I did really well, too! I got the whole collection of medals – gold, silver and bronze. So for me, it was just incredible. I would go back and do 2012 again. It was a Games that took Paralympic sport and moved it forward.  

So why did you want to get involved with hosting for Channel 4 at the Paralympics?  
To still be involved. I’m such a proud Paralympian, to have that opportunity to talk about the Paralympics and talk about the sport and have an opportunity to work with Channel 4 which has been the home of the Paralympics since 2012. How could I not?  

What are you most looking forward to about Paris 2024?
I'm so excited about watching the sport and hopefully being able to go to the other sports. Normally when I'm competing, swimming is a 10-day competition and that's the duration of the Games, so this is my first chance to go and watch other sports. There are so many I want to go and see, so hopefully I'll get to have some time off and watch some events. Normally, all the other sports come to watch swimming, so to be able to repay that favour and go and support my ParalympicsGB athletes is brilliant. It’s a buzz. I can’t wait. When you’re an athlete, normally at the end of the competition you have some fast food, but I can have it every day now! I might do that. I can have a croissant and a coffee. I’m going to be totally treating myself.  

Will you miss the thrill of competing? 
I will miss the thrill. I did it for so many years and I love the high you get afterwards, it’s a feeling like no other. But that was my time. I’m so excited to see the buzz and excitement of other athletes. I get my buzz in different ways now, so it’s going to be wonderful to be there.  

We can’t forget you’re going to be in Paris! Have you been before? What’s your favourite thing to do?  
I have been before. I’m excited to be a tourist. Going to the Eiffel Tower, Notre-Dame, eating all the food. I love food. Tasting all the pain au
chocolat, sitting in cafes and restaurants.
I can’t wait.  

In your downtime from hosting duties, what do you hope you’ll be able to get up to? Anything to tick off the bucket list? 
I would love to go into the Eiffel Tower and go up. I’m scared of heights, but I'd love to go up and see the twinkly lights.  

How is your French? Can you give us your best phrase? 
My French – Bonjour,
ça va? I need to do that app where you can translate!  

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