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Channel 4 takes its commitment to online accessibility very seriously. Our policy is to ensure this website meets recognised international standards for accessibility to ensure it is accessible to all. We are fully committed to ensuring this website meets the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.1) to AA standard to ensure people with disabilities are not excluded from accessing information and services. To this end, we work closely with the Digital Accessibility Centre (opens in a new window) to ensure the accessibility of all Channel 4 websites, including detailed testing by disabled people using a range of assistive devices such as screen readers. Whilst Channel 4 strive to adhere to the accepted guidelines and standards for accessibility and usability, it is not always possible to do so in all areas of the website.
Access Services: We are committed to providing subtitles on as much of our streamed programming as possible. We are also looking into the providing more programmes with audio description on streamed content in the future.
Accessibility challenges: As an innovative company working in broadcasting we are always looking at new ways to enhance and develop our websites. As part of this we will ensure we think about the accessibility of any new technology we use. There may be some instances where we display video players, advertisements and third party applications that are out of our control and therefore Channel 4 cannot guarantee accessibility of these. Where possible we work with our partners to rectify these issues with the aim of enhancing the experience of all our users.
Feedback: If you would like to comment about the accessibility of this site please use the Contact Us Form
4Talent is the gateway to all Channel 4's, talent initiatives helping creative people across TV, comedy, film, documentary, new media and radio find their way through the industry mire, develop their careers and realise their potential in multi-platform media. Online, 4Talent showcases both emerging talent and established professionals via text, video and audio features that provide details of the varied - and often unconventional - routes into the industry, alongside inspiration, guidance and opportunities for aspiring creatives to get their foot onto or advance up their personal career ladder.
Full details of all Channel 4's talent development schemes are also available on the site. On the ground, 4Talent boasts a dedicated team of editors and producers based in London, Birmingham, Scotland and Northern Ireland, offering opportunities for emerging talent around the country to take part in workshops, masterclasses, seminars and showcasing events that are free to attend and fully inclusive. -
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