George Clarke's Building Home
Thank you for your interest in George Clarke’s Building Home series.
We are actively casting for people building back home where they have family roots and are particularly interested in amazing projects with strong emotional stories, and projects with a personal tie to the land, the build structure, or the specific location.
If you are interested in participating, and have not done so already, please provide the following information via email to:
Tell us about yourself – name, age, occupation, location, your phone number.
Tell us what you are hoping to build, the budget and basic timeline (approx. start and end dates) and if you have planning permission and the funding for the work in place.
If the work has begun, please let us know how far along it is.
Also tell us why you are doing the build – what is your intention for it, motivation behind the build and how it is ‘bringing you back home’ to the area.
Please also attach one or two photos of the build as is, or land where the build will be, if starting from scratch, any plans and, also, include one of yourself, so we can put a face to the name.
We are keen to represent the diverse community that makes up our viewers.
Any personal information that you provide to us will be processed in accordance with Plum Pictures’ Data Protection & Privacy Policy, which you can read here: