
Eating Disorders and Body Image Concerns

UPDATED 05.06.2024
In this section you will find support for:
- Body Image
- Eating Disorders
- Healthy Living
- Other Support Information

Body Image

Body Dysmorphic Disorder Foundation 

Support information for those affected by Body Dysmorphic Disorder.

Family Lives 

Information for parents about teenage body image concerns.

Mind - Muscle Dysmorphia 

Information and support from MIND for people who see themselves as less muscular and smaller than they really are. This is a subclass of Body Dysmorphia.

Eating Disorders


Beat offer support for all eating disorders including anorexia and compulsive overeating. 
All Beat helplines: (lines open Monday - Friday 3pm – 8pm)
England: 0808 801 0677 
Scotland: 0808 801 0432
Wales: 0808 801 0433
Northern Ireland: 0808 801 0434
Online Chat: (Monday – Friday 3 – 8pm)
Email: help@beateatingdisorders.org.uk

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services - CAMHS 

Information about mental health services for children and young people.

First Steps ED 

Empowering those who have an eating disorder to be in control of their recovery. For children and their families First  Steps counselling services can be accessed at no cost.


Supports families in Northern Ireland affected by eating disorders. They advise and equip family members to help them aid their loved ones recovery.

Overeaters Anonymous 

Supporting compulsive eaters, local groups are listed online. 


Online support for those living with an eating disorder, whether your someone struggling with the illness or caring for someone else.

Young Minds 

Young Minds provide support on a range of mental health concerns for young people up to the age of 25, and their families. 
Parents Helpline: 0808 802 5544 (lines open Monday - Friday 9.30 -4pm)
Email: parents@youngminds.org.uk

Healthy Living

British Dietetic Association 

Information on the work of dieticians and how they can help with a healthy lifestyle.

British Nutrition Foundation - BNF 

BNF provide advice about nutrition.

Get Active – Northern Ireland

Sport Northern Ireland encourages everyone to Get Active through participation in sport and physical recreation.

Healthier Scotland 

Community Food and Health (Scotland) or CFHS aims to ensure that everyone in Scotland has the opportunity, ability and confidence to access a healthy and acceptable diet for themselves, their families and their communities.


Working with families to help babies and young children have a healthy start in life; aiming to prevent obesity.

NHS - Better Health 

NHS support helping families eat better and move more.

NHS - Child Health 

Information on child health and maintaining a healthy weight. 

NHS – Health Eating 

NHS information on healthy eating. 

Other Support Information

Diabetes UK 

Support information about living with diabetes, including online support for children and young people.
Helpline: 0345 123 2399 (lines open Monday - Friday 9am-5.45pm)
Email: helpline@diabetes.org.uk

Freelance Dieticians 

Database of registered dietitians, and a specialist group of The British Dietetic Association. 

NHS – Cosmetic Surgery 

Information on availability of cosmetic surgery through the NHS.

NHS – Obesity surgery 

NHS information on weight loss or bariatric surgery.