

Updated: 13.02.2025

In this section you can find support for: 

  • Abuse in Education
  • Adult Education and Skills
  • Children and Young Adults 
  • Parents including Special Educational Needs
  • Teachers

Abuse in Education  


Childline provide support and counselling for anyone up to the age of 18. Childline can discuss anything of concern.
Helpline: 0800 11 11 (lines open 24 hours everyday)


A helpline for children and young people who have experienced abuse at school. Support and guidance for worried adults and professionals.
Helpline 0800 136 663 (lines open Monday – Friday 10am – 8pm)
Email: help@nspcc.org.uk 

Adult Education and Skills 

Careers Wales 

Information and guidance on learning, training and work opportunities.

Cedar Foundation – Northern Ireland 

Helping those with Learning Disability to learn new skills and manage challenges.

College of Policing 

Information on careers in the police 


Information about what a career in teaching has to offer and routes into the profession in England.


Online information about courses available for reading, writing, maths and communication skills.

Learndirect (England, Wales & Northern Ireland) 

Learndirect provide flexible learning opportunities for gaining new skills. 

My World of Work - Scotland 

Skills Development Scotland provides information about online learning and training.
Information: 0800 917 8000 (lines open Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm) 

National Careers Service (England) 

Information and guidance on learning, training and work opportunities. 

NI Direct – Careers Service 

Information and guidance on learning, training and work opportunities. 

Read Easy 

One to one tuition for over 18’s and adults who struggle with reading. Find contact details for your nearest group.  

Student Space 

Information and advice to help you through the challenges of student life. Including support available at your university.
For 24-hour confidential support text SHOUT to 85258.

Teach in Scotland  

Teacher Training in Northern Ireland 

Teacher Training in Wales 

The Book Trust 

Helping children who are looked after, previously looked after or vulnerable with reading and numeracy. Letterbox Club sends enrolled children quality books and materials from May to October. Registration closes on 9 October.  Enrolment can be carried out by local authorities, schools and nurseries. 


Developing educational opportunities for the most disadvantaged. This includes providing basic maths, English and IT skills for employment.

Children and Young Adults

King's Trust 

Helps young people aged 13 -30 develop key skills, confidence and motivation to move into work, education or training.
Information line: 0800 842842 (lines open Monday – Friday 9am – 6pm)
Live Chat online: Monday – Friday 9am – 6pm

The Mix 

Offering support via helpline and confidential 1-2-1 chat  to young people (up to 25), includes work and study advice.
1-2-1 chat (lines open Monday – Friday 4pm – 11pm)
Crisis messenger: Crisis Messenger: 24/7 for crisis support, text THEMIX to 85258 

Parents including Special Education Needs (SEN)

Autism – Education 

National Autistic Society provides information and advice for parents and teachers.

Centre for Studies on Inclusive Education 

Information and advice on educating children with special needs in mainstream education. 

Enquire - Scotland 

The Scottish Advice Service for parents of children who may require extra support at school.
Helpline: 0345 123 2303 (lines open (term time) Monday, Tuesday & Thursday 9.30am – 4.30pm)

Gov.UK – exclusions 

Information for parents regarding behaviour in schools and fixed period or permanent exclusions.

Gov.UK – special education need and disabilities 

Information for parents of a child requiring special educational help.

Network 81  

Network 81 support parents on concerns around inclusive education for children with special needs.
Helpline: 0845 077 4055 (lines open Monday – Friday 10am – 1pm)


Help and support in setting up and running a PTA – Parent Teacher Association, including charity registration.

SNAP Cymru - Wales 

Information, advice and support on special educational needs or disabilities for parents, children and young people in Wales.
Advice line: 0808 801 0608 (lines open Monday – Friday 9.30am – 4.30pm)

Speech & Language UK 

Providing support advice to parents that want to help their child with communication skills.

Words For Life  

Words For Life provide tips on communicating with children of all ages from baby to teenager to help with reading skills. 


Education Support 

Mental health and wellbeing charity for education staff
Supportline: UK - 08000 562 561 (lines open 24 hours)
Text: 07909 341229